WWF, 4/6/2015

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a terrific long weekend.

“Play is the work of the child.”—Maria Montessori

So that’s what we did. Friends scattered throughout the environment this morning while they became involved in specific activities that peaked their interest. Tate worked with the teapots. As he adjusted the lids and put them on the stove, he touched the stove and said, “HOT!” As friends play, they take certain previous knowledge that they have such as Mommy or Daddy saying to watch the stove because it is hot and use it in their play.


Lucy headed straight for the sandbox where she worked on building castles that she’s been fascinated with! Tate and Rosemary joined her and the three of them worked together for quite a long time.


For breakfast, children had english muffins with cream cheese and raisins. Lunch consisted of homemade macaroni and cheese with whole grain noodles, peas, and oranges. PM snack was goldfish and string cheese.


Have a lovely night.