Good Afternoon!
Tate and Rosemary worked with babies this morning. Tate enjoyed feeding and burping the baby. We’re working on using soft touches as a whole group. Lately, we’ve been talking about what nice touches look like and practicing on the babies is a perfect activity!
Children took at the easel to paint. Even before breakfast was served, Tate asked for painting so that’s what we did! Friends got full bellies and we headed to the kitchen for a little sensory action! Lucy was vocal about what colors she wanted to paint with.
After naptime, music was turned on and friends requested musical instruments. Between the maracas and drums, it was lively in the establishment .
For breakfast, children had chex and banana. Lunch consisted of whole grain bagel pizzas, strawberries, and corn. PM snack was whole wheat crackers and cream cheese.
Have a great night!