Good Afternoon!
It was tummy time central for Franklin! Flashing his adorable smile was just one of the many things that he did this morning!
After his morning nap, he headed outside with friends who were ecstatic to see him! A few of the older Wee Frienders asked questions such as, “Does Franklin have any brothers or sisters?” and “When will Franklin start eating food?”. We were all super intrigued by him and him by us!
Nahla took a quick breather from playing while Maya worked with loose parts in the backyard. She enjoyed filling up her airplane and school bus with rocks!
The teeter totters were quite a hit. Friends worked together to sit on one teeter totter and rock back and forth.
A little quiet time followed our naps. Nahla and Tate both got out a book and proceeded to read together. We don’t have just one literacy period throughout the day; friends are always interested and excited to read stories whether it’s alone, with a friend, or a teacher.
For breakfast, children had Kashi and banana. Lunch consisted of brown rice with cheese, corn, and pears. PM snack was rice cakes with cream cheese.
Have a great night!