WF, 6/23/2015

Good Afternoon!

Friends were invited to the table this morning to play a category game. Using cards and objects, each child decided what object went to what category. For example, a friend said, “Basketball goes to sports!”. This was a game where friends could lend a helping hand. Some of our older friends helped their younger peers, offering suggestions or help when needed.


A styrofoam block and golf tees were put in the middle of the table for exploration. Children used hammers to hammer the golf tees farther into the block. Between making different designs and working on pulling the tees out of the block, the longevity of the activity was quite long for some friends!


We’re continuing to LOVE our new outside art area. Many kids took turns at the table using markers and scissors to make different creations. Once the creations are done, friends put them into the DONE box.


We have quite the bug exploration crew that has assembled. By lifting up small rocks and using their eye, rolly pollies and lightning bugs were found today! Friends used buckets to collect their interesting creatures!


Breakfast—Kashi Blueberry Clusters with fresh organic green grapes.

Lunch—Organic refried bean and shredded cheese tortillas, snow peas/cherry tomatoes, and banana.

PM snack—Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese.

Have a terrific evening!