WF Thursday 7/23 Goodbye Aislinn!

Today was a bittersweet day as we say goodbye to our friend Aislinn. She’s headed off to vacation, camp and then kindergarten in the fall! As someone who brings so much creativity, energy and spunk into the Wee World, Aislinn will be hard to replace. We have truly enjoyed learning with Aislinn and watching her grow these last few years.


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We presented Aislinn with a special book filled with pictures from her time here at Wee Friends. Friends excitedly looked through the album, exclaiming “I remember that!” and “Look that’s me!”


Friends were also treated to fresh blueberries and tomatoes in honor of Aislinn’s last day.


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We will miss you so much Aislinn!


Wee Sprouts: Red bell pepper and green beans. Breakfast: Nature’s Path Raisin Bran and raisins. Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with black beans, carrots, blackberries and strawberries. Snack: Peanut butter and whole wheat Triscuits. Plus fresh blackberries and tomatoes in honor of Aislinn’s last day!