WF, 1/5/2016

Good Afternoon!

It was a morning of team building! Friends used their communication skills to create different structures. The ability to listen to other childrens thoughts and ideas was at an all time high this morning.


One of our friends came up with the idea of making a long track for different sized balls that we have throughout our environment. The idea grew and grew all morning to the point of extending tubes from the habitrail to the ground. There were a few hiccups but we’re continuing to problem solve with different strategies. I’m sure you’ll see more on this later in the week Smile.



Miss Melinda brought in farm fresh eggs that she received from her son. We researched the type of chicken which is called ‘Aracucana Rooster’. The eggs were all different colors such as blue, pink, and yellow! We boiled them and then had them for afternoon snack! Yum!



Wee Sprouts– Cucumber.

Breakfast– Kix and apples.

Lunch– Whole grain bagels with peanut butter, broccoli, and applesauce.

PM snack– Hard boiled eggs and goldfish.

Have a terrific evening!


Link to pictures: