This morning started off with lots of group and individual play in the back half of the house! Several friends worked together to build an airplane complete with spacious seats and wooden armrests. The plastic animals and cars were popular options as well.
Today Valentine’s Day stickers and paper hearts were added to the art table supplies. Friends were immediately drawn to the stickers and began making all sorts of cards and decorations.
Kindergarten: Speaking of Valentine’s Day, the kindergartners sign-in task this morning was to figure out how many days there are until Valentine’s Day. Using a calendar, they had to figure out what day was today and when Valentine’s Day was. During this process, Elliott noticed that there were 7 days in a row on the calendar—equaling a week! He then set out to calculate how many days were in 4 weeks. Other friends were curious about this work and often stopped by to see what Elliott was up to.
While Elliott was figuring out what 7+7 was, there was an opportunity to talk about how to write numbers so everyone can easily understand them (7+7=14 versus 41=7+7). After a lot of problem solving and persistence Elliott came up with the correct answer, 29 days until Valentine’s Day!
*Announcement: The following message is for our WF parents who know Laurie Bulaoro, a former WF teacher. Laurie is currently in the hospital fighting a bone marrow staph infection. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We are sure she would love cards and visitors (however, no children visiting please). Thank you!
Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Breakfast: Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas. Lunch: Whole grain brown rice with chicken, carrots and fresh strawberries/oranges. Snack: Cottage cheese and pretzels.
Link to the photo album: WF 1/15/2016
Have a great weekend! –Jessica