WF, 1/26/2016

Good Afternoon!

Kindergarten: Today our kindergarteners began working on one of our math FABs, K.G.4: Compose simple geometric shapes to form larger shapes (e.g. create a rectangle compose of two triangles). During sign-in Elizabeth and Elliott were tasked with creating a hexagon with a certain number of shapes (e.g. 1 trapezoid, 1 rhombus, 1 triangle or 6 triangles, etc.). They each took it to the next level by labeling and kid-spelling their shape diagrams!


Later, this work was continued using pattern blocks to answer the question: how many ways can you make a triangle?


We also helped Miss Melinda with a project! We gathered around the table where two of our plants were positioned in the center of the table. The plants needed to be re-potted in bigger pots. We decided to study the plants.

First, the question, “Is the soil wet or dry?” was asked along with “Does it need water right now?”. Friends corrilated dry soil to needing water.


Each child got a turn to take the shovel and dump new soil into our new pot!


When Miss Melinda pulled out the root ball, we noticed that there were roots at the bottom. A discussion was had about what roots do in a plant and how the water makes the plant healthy.

We now have happy plants Smile.


Since we made our plants happy, we decided to make our bellies happy—> homemade muffins for snack!

First, we got together all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. After each friend got to take a turn stirring the mixture, we put it off to the side.


Next came the wet ingredients! Elliott commented, “The oil is over there because it’s a wet ingredient!”


We added yummy blackberries to them mixture. They were a BIG hit!


Wee Sprouts– Cherry tomatoes.

Breakfast– Cheerios and blueberries.

Lunch– Shredded cheese quesadillas, cauliflower/sweet peppers, and banana/apple.

PM Snack– Homemade blackberry-oatmeal muffins and string cheese.

Hope everyone has a terrific night.

Link to pictures: WF 1/26