WF, 8/29/2016

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

Our newest friend joined us today from Wee Wee! David started at Wee Friends this morning and fit right into our classroom. We’re so excited to add our final piece to our Wee Friends puzzle!


Over the weekend, Tami built us a new sensory table. She took down the one person loft and replaced it with our sensory bin! It’s mobile and allows us to switch out the sensory items whenever we wish! Let’s just say, we took advantage of it today!


We also received a new fine motor activity in the habitrail area as well as a new wood working bench tabletop. Friends loved testing out the new materials today!


A rousing game of ‘ring around the rosie’ took place outside this morning. We all enjoyed the nice weather and warm sun on our faces.


We will focus on the following FAB’s this week:

K.RF.2.4: Identify and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

K.RF.3.2 Orally segment words into syllables.

K.NS.4: Perform one to one correspondence tasks.

K.NS.5: Count up to 20 objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle. Count up to 10 objects in a scattered configuration.

In Kindergarten today, Jackson and Addi used different building materials to form structures. I asked them to compile a group of 10, 15, etc. blocks and build whatever they wish. Using their one to one correspondence skills, they counted the blocks one by one until they got to 10, 15, etc.


Once they built their structure, they used their clipboard, paper, and marker to put their work on paper.


“I have another way to count too! I can count my fingers.”

So, the three of us counted our fingers and our toes! One of us came up with 19 fingers and toes combined! As a group, we questioned that total so we decided to count again, making sure to hit every finger and toe.


We transferred this idea to large group where we read a book called, “If You Hold A Seed”. Throughout the story, we learned that a tree starts with one single seed! Addi said, “We should make an apple tree!” So as a group, we made a tree and added apples to it. We counted the roots and the apples on the tree aloud. Once the apples were counted, another child said, “How many are going to be red apples? Those are my favorite.”


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with no nut butter and raisins.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce and shredded cheese, oranges, and peppers.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with pumpkin flax seed granola.

Wee Sprouts– Cauliflower.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures: WF 8/29