Addi got out the counting sticks this morning. She arranged the numbers in an order and then proceeded to match the sticks to the numbers. Lulu came up and asked what the sticks are used for and how we use them. We sat down together and practiced addition using the sticks.
Maxwell and Tate asked to do a journal so we got out their binders and they both completed a journal. After they were done, they used the date stamp and chose a sticker to put on their journal. Whether we’re working with a two year old or a five year old, it’s always great for them to be able to journal their thoughts at any given time.
Our music time this morning started with the story, ‘I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More.’ After Miss Melinda read the story, we transitioned to music on the computer where songs of nature were played (lightning, thunder, wind, etc.). Children worked on guessing what the music sounded like. There were a few songs that were focused on animals such as the buffalo, cougar, and moose. We didn’t have any background knowledge of the buffalo so Miss Melinda got out the computer to bring up pictures of certain animals.
The dumpster in the alley was brought today (we were SUPER excited). A house on the other side of the alley is getting work done on it so we’ve been watching for the commotion! Friends stood at the gate for quite some time, focusing in on all of the action.
Miss Tami brought one of her puppies to visit. We all worked on using nice touches when we were given the opportunity to pet the puppy.
In large group:
We focused on non-fiction stories today. We read, ‘The Living Rain Forest’ which talked about different animals that live in the rain forest. The book started with the letter A and went to the letter Z! There were many animals that we had never heard of before!
Riley commented, “I know that one! It’s a lemur. I’ve seen one at the zoo before.”
Jackson let everyone know that, “I’m going to fish with my dad in Canada and try and catch a piranha.”
We discussed how ‘non-fiction’ means real life! For example, the animals that we learned about today!
We’re continuing our research into different text genres..what will tomorrow hold?
Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal and peaches/kiwi.
Lunch– Scrambled eggs, English muffins, oranges, and cherry tomatoes.
PM snack– Crackers and hummus.
Wee Sprouts– Peppers (we blinked and they were gone!).
Have a terrific afternoon!
Link to pictures: WF 9/21