WF, 10/12/2016

Good Afternoon!

The welcome activity this morning encouraged children to use the colorful gems to trace well known shapes such as a square, circle, and triangle. As Riley traced a shape this morning, he said, “Look! It has six sides. That’s a hexagon.”


We FINALLY cracked open our pumpkin using hammers and golf tees. Children specifically placed golf tees all over the pumpkin, using as much space as they could.


In kindergarten, we headed outside to use all of the lovely things that nature has to offer. We focused on K.M.1 (Make direct comparisons of the length, capacity, weight, and temperature of objects, and recognize which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler, or holds more).

We searched the backyard for various items. First, Addi and Jackson found two leaves. While observing the two leaves that they each had found, they had to determine which leaf was bigger. Once they found that out, they traced or drew it on their paper attached to their clipboard.

After comparing our leaves, we searched for rocks (which was heavier), grass blades (which one was shorter), and buckets from the sand box (which could hold more).

We documented all of our findings on our sheet and compared it with one another.



The rest of our friends came out shortly lately and thankfully, we had a great weather morning to enjoy our surroundings.


In large group, we read a story entitled, ‘Owen’. Owen was about a little boy named Owen who had his own special lovey named ‘Fuzzy’. Owen took Fuzzy everywhere! He was starting school soon and his parents thought he was a little old to have a lovey SO his mom turned it into a handkerchief. As the story progressed, we anticipated what Fuzzy was going to be transformed into! We all gave logical, great guesses using the pictures to give us clues.

After the story was over, friends asked questions about Fuzzy and the relationship that Owen had with him. Maddie compared it to her relationship she has with her yellow giraffe that she brings to school everyday. (K.RL.2.4 and K.RL.2.1)


Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal with raspberries.

Lunch– Homemade chicken salad with grapes on whole wheat bread, grapes/banana, and cucumbers.

PM snack– Air popped popcorn with raspberries.

Wee Sprouts– Cucumber.

Have a lovely night.


Link to pictures: WF 10/12