WF, 11-4-2016

**We are running low on plastic grocery bags. If any families have any they would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

This morning we worked on the concept of time. We asked the parents to write down their child’s pick up time. We set a clock activity on the table that the children could move the  hands to help them understand how a clock works. Remember to move your clocks back an hour before going to bed Saturday night!


Today we found something new in the art area.  A variety of cardboard circles were made available as a multipurpose material. We could cut, draw or stick items to it.


The habitrail area was bustling with excitement as we built with bristle blocks, made roads for our cars and tracks for our trains.


Breakfast: Brown rice cakes with cream cheese and grapes.

Lunch: Whole wheat English muffin cheese pizzas, bananas, grapes and carrots.

Afternoon Snack: Triscuits and block cheddar cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Carrots.

Have a great weekend!


Link to photos:!AtTCDmdhjIulhudR4s1qbXFArK9-eA