WF, 11-30-2016

We see letters in print all through out our day. We find letters in the books we read, on our mailbox in housekeeping and even on the maps we use during our play.  Maddie was sounding out the word start.  As she said the word she spelled it by what she heard, STRT.


It is hard to believe it is the last day of November and we were able to enjoy another great day outside.  We were very busy riding bikes around the circle, digging large holes in the sand and sliding down the slide.


Breakfast: Oatmeal and pears.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs, whole wheat bread, bananas and cauliflower.

Afternoon Snack: Blue corn chips and refried beans.

Wee Sprouts: Cauliflower.

Have a great night!


Link to photos:!AtTCDmdhjIulh4IrlolqijNzcIP8aw