WF 12/1/2016

Good Afternoon!

It is already December..enough said.

**By the welcome message board and time sign in sheet, there is a sign up sheet for our Christmas Concert. We want to gage how many families will be filling our crowd so if you’re certain you’ll be able to attend, please add your families name to the list! Smile (Just a reminder, it’s Tuesday, December 20th at 4:00 pm)


On this first day of December, we observed as friends broke off into groups or pairs. There was collaboration happening in the building area as friends worked together to complete a common goal or task while others used props they found throughout the environment to use in their pretend play.


The art table was turned into a holiday festival as we designed snowmen, trees, and candy canes. Most children chose to decorate multiple items.


As we sat around the table (listening to holiday music might I add), we found out that none of our creations looked alike. Friends used different colored markers and dot paints to create their own holiday staple.


The finished product! A few friends helped me string them up after we were done, following the pattern of Christmas tree, snowman, candy cane, and so forth. As we sat and ate lunch, children looked up to see if they could spot the one that they made.


Movement. Motion. Gross motor. Rough. And. Tumble.

Movement is one of the most important aspects of a young child’s life.” (taken from this article which talks about why movement is important in young children):

Throughout the day, we incorporate movement in many aspects of each child’s experience. Whether we’re running outside, involved in a music activity, or simply taking advantage of the beloved habitrail area, we are MOVING.


Then there are times where we simply need to cuddle up and listen to a good story.


Breakfast– Brown Rice Crisps (cereal) and pears

Lunch– Organic, brown rice with shredded cheese and chicken, cantaloupe, and cucumbers.

PM snack– Wheat thins and pumpkin seeds.

Wee Sprouts– Cucumber.

Have a lovely night!


Link to pictures: WF 12/1