WF, 02-07-2017

This morning we decided that since it was raining outside, we would do an experiment using water. We had a sink and float activity available where the children went around the classroom and chose 2 items to test.  We made our own hypothesis, then after testing them and saw our results gave our answers whether the items absorbed or repelled the water and sinks or floats. We made a chart of our results.


After doing some of our new favorite songs that Miss Rebekah has taught us, Miss Melinda taught us a new word for today, categorize. She dumped a basket of items on the floor in the habitrail for us to find the items that fit together. We had a category of fruit and silverware to name a few.


Just before lunch we all gathered to listen to the story Boom Chicka-Rock by John Archambault.


Breakfast: Cheerios and bananas.

Lunch: Turkey and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, PPC cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and PPC red grapes.

Afternoon Snack: Cinnamon Raisin whole wheat bagel and cream cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Cherry tomatoes.

Have a great evening!


Link to photos:!AtTCDmdhjIulh7MbPgMoIM-KP0mP1g