WF, 2/20/2017

Good Afternoon!

Hope everyone was able to enjoy the gorgeous weather we had over the weekend.


*Just a reminder, the re-enrollment forms are due this Friday, February 24th Smile.

*There was a child who was diagnosed with Impetigo this past Friday. Here’s a link that explains various aspects of Impetigo:


Our welcome activity revolved around a clock. This week, we’re going to be diving into concepts of time, including the clock and calendar. During large group, we use a calendar everyday to see where we are within each month. For our older friends, clocks are used to tell them when their mommy and daddy will pick them up.

K.M.2: Understand concepts of time, including: morning, afternoon, evening, today, yesterday, tomorrow, day, week, month, and year. Understand that clocks and calendars are tools that measure time.


Jackson headed up our marker exploration today as the insides of old markers were taken out to make our water color paints. Some of our younger friends commented how hard it was to use the pliers while our older friends used various techniques to accomplish their goal!


Magnatiles took over the back half of the house. Tate and Lucy worked on their one to one correspondence skills are they put an animal on each magnatile square and then counted them together.


It was absolutely gorgeous out this morning so we headed outside for quite some time. Friends always enjoy interacting with one another in our outside environment!


We read a story titled, ‘Five Nice Mice’. Throughout the story, five mice started their own band. Before we saw what instruments the mice made for their band, we used our background knowledge to guess as to what instruments would be made. We were right on with our guesses! After we read the story, we talked about a few key events that happened throughout the story. As a group, we put the events into the order that they occurred.

K.1.4: Identify and order events that take place in a sequence. (2006 standard)


Breakfast– Bagels with no nut butter and banana.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with butter and chicken, banana, and cherry tomatoes.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with blackberries.

Wee Sprout– Carrots.

Have a fantastic night!


Link to pictures: WF 2/20