In large group, we read a story titled ‘Frog Song’. The story focused on a variety of frogs in several places throughout the world. We learned how the frogs lay their eggs and how they vocalize when the eggs are hatching and turning into tadpoles.
For example, in Canada, the wood frog bursts out with a song in a mossy bog. The female attaches a mass of eggs to underwater plants. Many eggs and tadpoles will be eaten by fish and birds, but some will become frogs that can freeze in winter and thaw in spring.
We learned about several different frogs while some friends shared their background knowledge and personal experiences associated with frogs.
I asked my large group friends what they wanted to learn about so I got books from the library that focused on frogs, polar bears, volcanoes, and dinosaurs! If a topic peaks our interest, we’ll use a variety of sources available to us to retain new information.
K.W.5: With support, build understanding of a topic using various sources. (Identify relevant pictures, charts, grade- appropriate texts, personal experiences, or people as sources)
This morning the art table was busy with friends decorating paper eggs with dot markers or regular markers for us to hang up in the classroom.
Friends were throwing the bean bags around while we were listening to music. Miss Rebekah found a few songs for us to do with our bean bags. They were the Beanie Bag dance and Put your Finger (Bean bag) in the Air, both by Greg & Steve.
Today we received a food order which also meant a lot of cardboard boxes for us to use during our play.
We were able to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. We explored nature and exercised our gross motor muscles by running around the circle and climbing up the log house.
Breakfast: Nature’s Path Raisin Bran cereal and strawberries.
Lunch: Hummus on whole wheat tortillas/bagels, oranges and broccoli.
Afternoon Snack: Toasted whole wheat bagels with cream cheese.
Wee Sprouts: Cauliflower.
Have a great night!
Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIulh8sEDSO3vDArQR49bA