WF, 03-14-2017

Today we are celebrating Marty’s 20 year anniversary of being a teacher at Wee Friends! It is an amazing accomplishment and we are so fortunate to have a teacher with such passion for children and dedication to our program. Thank you Marty!!!

Good Afternoon! This morning we had music time. We played a variety of different instruments to hear the different sounds they made while making our own music.


Addi requested building with Legos. We went downstairs and brought them up and added them to our environment. Many friends were busy building their own creations.


We dressed up, created with magnatiles and blocks, and made a building project at the workbench.


Breakfast: Cheerios and blackberries.

Lunch: Hummus on whole wheat tortillas, pineapple and green beans.

Afternoon Snack: Whole wheat bagels with cream cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers and carrots.


Have a great night!


Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIulh9IkO_npLMMdH30-ag