WF, 3/22/2017

Good Afternoon!

In Kindergarten today, we worked on making singular words (nouns specifically) into plural words. For example, during sign in this morning, Jackson and Addi had to take the word ‘dog’ and make it plural. We used pictures to help us as well as personal experiences. I asked Addi and Jackson how many dogs they have and they responded, “one DOG”. I asked them how many dogs Miss Tami has; they both responded, “three DOGS”. We noticed how an ‘s’ appeared. We talked about adding an ‘s’ when there’s more than one of an object.

K.W.6.1a: Nouns/Pronouns—Writing sentences that include singular and/or plural nouns.


Our theme today was retelling stories using our own words. A few younger friends gathered around Jackson this morning while Jackson retold a story that he was familiar with. While Jackson wasn’t reading the story word for word, Jackson picked out key details and events throughout the story to get the theme across to his friends.

In large group, we read a story that we’ve read before: Sneaky Weasel. A friend had asked that I get it again from the library so before we read it, we discussed as a group certain events or details that we remembered. Friends talked about the events and then we put them into the order in which they happen in the story. We read the story to see if we were correct in our order!

This week, we’ve started to look at our books in the reading area as well as the library books that I have. Friends look at the last name of the author and put them into order. For instance, today we looked at author’s names; one last name started with a ‘D’ and the other started with a ‘G’. We discussed the order of letters and which came first.

K.1.19: Learn and apply knowledge of alphabetical order (first letter) when using a classroom or school library/media center.


Today, we checked on our egg experiment!

First we used our sense of sight to observe the egg and talk about how the appearance of the egg had changed.


We got a regular egg out of the refrigerator and compared the physical attributes of both.


Children used descriptive words to describe the regular egg: “hard”, “cold”, and “small” are words that we heard from various friends.


Afterwards, Miss Melinda carefully took the egg out of the jar and placed it into the bowl. The first thing we noticed was that the shell had come off! Friends used gentle touches to touch the egg because we noticed that it could break fairly easily. A few descriptive words we heard to describe the egg: “soft”, “squishy”, and “icky”.

After we all had a chance to feel the egg, the egg was put in a jar with Karo Syrup for 12 hours. What do YOU think will happen to the egg? (..good convo starter for tonight Smile)


We decorated a portion of the classroom with our coffee filter flowers and we ended up finding bunny ears in the basement so we put a basket of them in habitrail. We originally put them in the housekeeping area but all we wanted to do was bounce! So, we transferred the bunny ears to the habitrail area so we could bounce our little hearts out.


Breakfast– Raisin Bran and banana.

Lunch– Homemade egg salad on tortillas, cantaloupe, and cherry tomatoes.

PM snack– Cottage cheese and pears.

Wee Sprout– Red peppers.

Have a terrific night!


Link to pictures: WF 3/22