WF, 5/4/2017

Good Afternoon!

Even though it didn’t stop raining all day long, we were occupied and engaged throughout the morning.

Many children noticed that one of our fish lost it’s eye. We were quite concerned about it and friends started guessing as to how the fish lost it’s eye. So, we headed to the chalk board to write down our thoughts. Our list was quite extensive as we had various thoughts about this topic! Our empathy was pouring out to our fishy friend.

As we talked about the fish losing it’s eye, Jackson proposed a question: “Will another eye grow in?”

To this question, we started referring to humans. Lulu commented, “When someone loses an arm, they can get a new one!” This lead us to talk about limbs being replaced but a new one doesn’t grow in to take it’s place. Jackson just lost a baby tooth the other day. He said that teeth do grow in when you lose one! The conversation went in various directions Smile.


Lulu, Maddie, Addi, Lucy, and Anna sat at the art table. They all used circle and square stencils but created completely different art. Friends examined their creations, noting the differences between each piece. “They don’t look alike but they’re both beautiful!”


I’ve attached the following article that goes into detail about two different types of art: process and product. Here are Wee Friends, we strive to provide process experiences, allowing children to create what they want and not go off of a model. No two children are the same so why would we want them to have identical pieces of artwork?


We opened up the art easel for children to engage in a process art experience. Almost every friend painted multiple creations. When we open an activity such as the art easel, friends are encouraged to participate but it is not required.


Three things that go together on rainy days such as today: piano, stories, and of course…


Wee Sprouts!


Breakfast– Cheerios and blackberries/pears.

Lunch– Brown rice with shredded turkey, banana, and corn.

PM snack– Ritz crackers with no nut butter and pineapple.

Wee Sprout– Carrots and cucumber.

Have a great evening!


Link to pictures: WF 5/4