WF, 6/22/2017

Good Afternoon!

In large group, we read a book titled, ‘Polar Opposites’. In the story, we learned about two friends, Alex and Zina. Alex and Zina were completely different in everything they did. For example, Alex was tall while Zina was short. They even lived on different ends of the Earth!

After we finished the story, we talked about the word ‘opposite’. Lucy commented, “Opposite means different”. The words in the left column were already put on the chalkboard. We took the other set of words and tried to match them. The first word was ‘quiet’. I asked what the opposite of ‘quiet’ was. Everyone shouted, “Loud!” I went through the spare words to see if they could identify the word ‘loud’ by recognizing and identifying the first letter of the word.

We continued to do this until we found all of the opposites.

I’ve attached an article that talks about the importance of BOOKS in a child’s life; not just reading them but bringing them to LIFE.


We journaled today after large group. Most children take up all of the time allotted for journals, making sure to get all of their thoughts down on paper. At this stage, most children are continuing/starting to write on their own while a few still need scaffolding with letter sounds and the formation of letters.

There are so many stages of writing we see within a given day.  Being multi-age, knowing what is developmentally appropriate for each age and child is crucial. Below is another article which lays out the stages of writing (pictures which are helpful)!


This morning, Miss Melinda interacted with an older group at the circle table. The game involved pictures cards and boards which specifically talked about the words ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘smell’, ‘touch’, and ‘taste’. Each child had a stack of cards and ultimately had to decide to what sense it belonged.


The rest of our morning was full of art table creations and outside time. We’re lucky to have the space outside to move our bodies in a positive and engaging way.



Breakfast– Corn squares and plums/peaches.

Lunch– Brown rice with cheese and shredded turkey, banana/oranges, and cauliflower.

PM snack– Whole wheat crackers and no-nut butter.

Wee Sprout– Broccoli and cucumber.

Have a terrific evening.


Link to pictures: WF 6/22