WF 10/23/2017

Good Afternoon!

*As the weather is changing, please check your child’s bathroom cubbie to make sure they have appropriate clothes (pants, long sleeve shirt, etc.) and please take home any summer clothing as well! Thanks!


The welcome activity this morning was pattern cards along with the cube trays. Children explored this activity in various ways. Lulu used the tray to make her own pattern while Grady used the tray to focus on one to one correspondence by filling the tray with the correct number of cubes.

K.CA.5: Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for simple repeating and growing patterns with numbers and shapes.


Large group took a trip this morning to the library in Mishawaka! On the drive to the library, we talked about library rules that we have to follow. A couple examples were:

“You can’t run away and you need to stay with the group.”

“Use inside voices!”

“Be nice to the books.”

In the weehicle, Lulu started talking about the types of books that we may see at the library so children started recalling what we talked about a few weeks back; fiction and nonfiction stories! The group came up with a couple examples of each genre.

Maddie had been to this library before so she was anxious to show us where to go. After taking an elevator ride downstairs to the children’s section, we interacted with a few activities before looking for books. We had a quick puppet show where children acted out different characters!


Maddie walked over to the section where she remembered that the ‘Berenstain Bears’ series was. When friends found a book they liked, they sat down to look at the pictures before adding it to our pile!


We talked to the librarian and she started us with a welcome activity that the library was offering; leaf rubbings! I read a non-fictional leaf story while friends created their own leaf rubbings. Several types of leaves were discussed in the story and friends pointed to the leaves that they’d seen before.

K.W.5: With support, build understanding of a topic using various sources. (Identify relevant pictures, charts, grade- appropriate texts, personal experiences, or people as sources)


We headed to the check out area where we checked out all 30 of our stories! A friend asked how long we get to keep the books for. Lulu responded, “Well I’m sure other kids want to read these stories too!”


As we arrived back to Wee Friends, friends were anxious to read their new books. The interest range of our books was expansive: from Finding Nemo to a football book to several Berenstain Bears stories, we’re excited to read them for large group over the next several weeks!


Franklin and friends helped Miss Rebekah make sweet pumpkin seeds this morning! Lots of measuring and mixing occurred—the end result was very yummy!


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with cream cheese and fresh apples.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with shredded chicken and butter, fresh pineapple, and fresh carrots.

PM snack– Ruby’s birthday treat: apple bunt cake with whole milk yogurt.

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures: WF 10/23