WF, 11/27/2017

Good Afternoon!

**Here’s the first reminder about Christmas break: Wee Friends will be closed Monday, December 25th through Friday, January 5th. We’ll reopen Monday, January 8th!


This week, we’re talking about the importance of being a responsible member of a group. The term responsibility at this age is often hard to grasp; it’s very self-driven (I do ____).

In large group, we read two stories that talked about forming relationships in school as well as good examples of behavior and not so good examples. Children were quick to point out the examples that were good and the bad (“That’s not being a good friend..”).

As a group, we made a list of how we can be a responsible member in class as well as in our family. We were quick to give examples and wanting our name next to our answer, taking responsibility for our own thoughts!

There is no one specific/right way to parent but one thing that I’m sure we can all agree on is the importance of having children take responsibility for themselves. This article goes into the importance of raising responsible children and the ways that we can get there together!


Our morning consisted of getting back into our routine! Long weekends are nice but we were so anxious to get back into the swing of things. Maddie and Lulu discussed art projects that they were starting while Ruby and David (and several other peers) explored the sensory table with moon sand!


We started transitioning our fall decorations into the winter decorations. One of the things that we were most anxious for was the holiday mailbox! Children talked about what a mailman does before making the decision that each friend would get a chance to be the mailman.


We headed toward the sunshine this morning! Explorations occurred as children realized that all of the leaves were missing from the trees and brushes.


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with cream cheese and fresh apples.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with shredded chicken and butter, PPC oranges, and fresh carrots/cauliflower.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts– PPC cauliflower.

Have a lovely evening.


Link to pictures: WF 11/27