TOMORROW’S FARM GROUP: Finn, Max, Ellie, Elizabeth, Sophie, Elliott, Sloane, Marina and Marta. We will be leaving at 9:30.

HAPPY BIG 4 ELLIOTT JACKSON!!! We can’t wait to celebrate by eating those yummy choco chip pumpkin muffins!!!!!!!!! We love you!

There is a rites of passage here at Wee Friends and it’s called the Workbench. You have to be four years old to handle the real hammers and nails. Elliott walked that passage this morning as one of the official big kids!
Today, it was reported that each friend dove into the water! A couple friends swam the length of the pool without bobbles.
Friends walked into school today and were asked “Which is your favorite shape?”

We invited friends to come to the table to identify shapes, sort them and classify them. We also identified shapes that “did not belong.” Math FAB K.3.1 and K.3.2.

We created a ballet bar and danced a story. With our Sleeping Beauty soundtrack, friends danced a story that told of a fallen princess who fell prey to an evil witch’s spell. Down they went only to rise again when a prince visited the castle and revived them with a tickle. They shared a meal and the story ended. Friends moved their bodies as the tempo and rhythm of the music dictated. Calm tip-toes and up-tempo spins, dramatic drops to the floor and sweet leg lifts, all combined to create a poetic gross motor experience. When the IPhone flipped to “Party in the USA”, a friend, literally, stopped and would not continue. We fixed it. 

There was a fire truck on the carpet and a fireman in the habitrail. At one point, the ballerinas were doused with water.

Stickers are a sensorial delight and friends spent a great deal of time, this morning, enjoying peeling away and sticking on.

Writing and creating art is one of the favorite works for Wee Friends. We encourage it at every turn.

We met Marta’s little sister, Chiara, and watched her do yoga!

And we prepared for the Birthday Snack Bash.

A great day to turn four. A great day to be alive!

Wee Sprouts: Elliott’s yellow tomatoes. Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with cinnamon and pear slices. Lunch: Peanut butter on whole wheat tortillas, broccoli and homemade applesauce. Snack: Elliott’s birthday muffins and yogurt.