Friends at Wee Friends love Magna Tiles. Day in and day out we watch as friends build with, count, stack, arrange, demolish and share Magna Tiles. To support and build on this interest, we’ve decided to probe further into the world of magnets!

Mel started off with a question: “What is a magnet?” She demonstrated and discussed how magnets work.

As a large group discussion continued, she began stringing magnets to yarn to make fishing poles.

And then we went fishing!

She explained north/south and experimented with how opposite poles attract and like poles do not.

Lea began her day interested in a nursery rhyme book. We laid out our felt boards and felt nursery rhyme story pieces for friends to explore. Lots of storytelling and singing took place.

Elliott made a three compartment cargo plane and described that cars were the cargo being transported.

Finn set up his pirate ship and we got his pirate music going. Other friends enjoyed working on their own projects while on the ship. We wondered:

So Lisa asked the question.

Lisa continued reading and singing nursery rhymes in her small group.

Today was Finn’s day to lead large group with Ada as his assistant. Finn began with leading the group in singing “Calm Your Bodies”, “Thumbelina”. Then, using 1001 Pirate Seek and Find book, he asked his friends, “Ok, who are you in this picture?”.

Wee Sprouts: Celery sticks. Breakfast: Cheerios and bananas. Lunch: Cous-cous, fruit salad and broccoli. Snack: Whole wheat crackers and cream cheese.
Have a great day.