WF Wednesday 1/29


We re-entered the Wee world quietly, excited to see one another and glad that everyone made it safely through the last few days of winter weather.  The Blue Bus has been rescheduled for Friday morning.


Welcome back!


Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Lunch: Whole wheat penne pasta with marinara, fruit salad (banana/pear) and mixed veggies. Snack: Cottage cheese and bananas.


WF Closed Today 1/27/14

We tried to stay open for you guys, but we will have to CLOSE TODAY. I am so sorry for the late announcement, but both of our opening teachers have gotten stuck trying to get to work today. They are both in town people and the roads/driveways are drifted shut. So, in the interest of safety of my staff, I have to close today. Plan on WF being closed tomorrow also, since the extreme weather predicted for Tuesday is not safe for travel either.

My apologies,


WWF, 1/24/2014

Happy Friday!

Since we had a late start to our day, we had a short morning. Anytime our routine gets messed up a little, we all have a hard time adjusting. Even with the late start, we had a great end to our week!

Sadly, it was our last day with Emma Claire. Come Monday, she’ll move next door to Wee Friends as we welcome Henri. Emma has grown leaps and bounds since she first started here at Wee Wee Friends in July of 2012. Not only is her vocabulary a mile long but her “thank you’s”, random hugs, and dancing ability will be so missed! Thankfully, she’ll have her Grandma (Mel) and sister Sophia over there to keep her company. We’ll miss seeing you everyday James family!


Here are some pictures that were taken today!






For lunch, friends had melted cheese on toast, peas, and grapes. PM snack was pretzels and string cheese.

Have a great weekend. Hope everyone stays warm!


Friday, WF on a 10:00 delay

In keeping with our closing policy, WF is on a 10:00am delay for Friday 1/24/14.

A full day closing will be texted/emailed by 8:00am if the winter storm necessitates closing all day. I will make that decision after I see what falls overnight and whether the roads are being reported as drivable (or not!).

Stay safe and warm!


WWF, 1/23/2014

Good Afternoon!

Right after breakfast this morning, Emma headed up a second breakfast in the kitchen! As the main chef, she made cake for breakfast! Eren agreed with this idea by saying, “Mmmm…cake!”


Friends grabbed each others hands as they twirled around in circles dancing to the music that was playing.


Lu-Lu and Lucy spent time in the kitchen where they worked with buckets while Eren and Emma sat in chairs and read some of their favorite books.


Happy kids= happy day!


Lucy made her way up through the habitrail today. She loved standing at the window and watching what was happening outside (snow of course)!


For breakfast, children had corn flakes and banana. Lunch consisted of tuna, tortillas, apples, and kidney beans. We ALL loved the kidney beans. Our friends finished them all up! PM snack was rice cakes with soy butter.

Have a lovely night! Stay warm!

**The portfolio still is not working so here are some extra pictures Smile.






WF Thursday 1/23


Our older friends have been studying the four layers of the earth. Today, we made a volcano erupt! We learned about baking soda and vinegar and what happens when they get mixed together. After watching many friends enjoy touching the ice cold lava, we continued our science experiment but next, mixed water and corn starch.

We made water color designs by blowing through straws.

We built a family house, assembled lots of puzzles, rhymed, rhymed and rhymed some more, and talked about bats.

We love, we love, we love, we love,

We love, we love, we love, we love…


More on that later.

Have a great day.


Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Cereal and bananas. Lunch: Tuna salad, whole grain bread, applesauce and black beans. Snack: Goldfish and cheese sticks.

WWF, 1/22/2014

Happy Wednesday!

**There is no photo album today. We are having technical difficulties. Hoping to have it up and running tomorrow. Thanks!

It was a fantastic lounging day for our friends! We can’t wait for spring to arrive so we can go outside! Our friends are becoming great self regulators. When their bodies are becoming tired, we lay down and take a nice little rest.



Eren, Saskia, and Lu-Lu headed into the kitchen where they worked together to paint a mural! We used red, pink, and white paint and our end result was beautiful.



For breakfast, children had chex and pears. Lunch consisted of cheese tortillas, oranges, and corn. PM snack was hummus with crackers.


Have a great night!

WWF, 1/21/2014

Good Afternoon!

We got to know our newest friend, Henri, who will start on Monday as Emma heads off to Wee Friends! The longer he was here, the more comfortable he became Smile. We can’t wait to get to know him along with his family!



Our older friends went into the kitchen where they requested magnatiles. We threw in some bugs and cars also.


Emma made a “big house!”



Tate and Maya bonded while playing with the big blocks in the gross motor area!


Emma put on a wonderful ballet performance for her friends and teachers. She even took a bow at the end Smile.


The habitrail was a happening place this afternoon! We love being active and getting our ‘crazies’ out!


For breakfast, children had kix and banana. Lunch consisted of hummus on tortilla, peas, and oranges. We ALL ate a fabulous lunch! PM snack was craisins and hard boiled eggs.

Have a terrific evening!