Happy Monday!
Hope you’ve been having a great day! We sure did!

Pretend play such as kitchen and dress up were important parts of our day. Whether it’s dressing up in a cape or rocking a baby to sleep, children take these actions from something they’ve seen before. Clara has been very nurturing when holding and rocking the baby. Wherever she sees these certain actions, they’ve been brought into her play at the Wee Wee house!

Daniel enjoyed dressing up in capes today along with a dress. He spun around so he could see his dress fly in the air. When children need help with putting something on, we remind them to say, “please” or “help”. These actions allow children to communicate what they need and also showing good manners.

Clara said, “help please” when she wanted the magician cape on.

We bundled up and went outside where we saw frost on the ground!
Friends P.K. and Daniel headed to the log house where they enjoyed climbing on the logs.

Emma walked around and observed her surroundings. She stood by the fence as she watched her friends slide down the slide!

Clara gave her friend Eve a push as she was riding a bike. It’s lovely when our friends help each other out!

“I’m going bye-bye,” said Daniel.

P.K. worked on his balancing skills as he went from one log to the next. These were very small logs which was challenging. Once he was done, he stood on the logs and jumped into the grass. He enjoyed this very much

With the temperature being so cold, friends quickly found out that when they sat on the slide, it was a little chilly on the bum. We talked about the weather and why the slide was cold to the touch.

Our friends took it in stride and went down as fast as they could!

We headed to the play house where friends took part in group play. Our vocabulary is growing oh so much and it’s great to see our friends communicating during their play.

A group gathered over by the jungle gym where they interacted with one another. P.K. made Zoey laugh by making silly faces!

Zoey showed her friends how she can stand up now! She did this multiple times throughout the day. Next for Zoey…walking!!

Children partook in different gross motor skills such as jumping on the jungle gym and then sliding down.

For breakfast, friends enjoyed whole wheat toast with soy butter and pears. AM snack was fresh cucumbers. Lunch consisted of chicken noodle soup, pears, peas, and bread with butter. PM snack was string cheese and apple cinnamon muffins.
Have a terrific evening!