*Are you looking for a place to bring your bags of yard leaves? We’d love to have them in our garden! We have excellent Wee Gardeners who can help dump them and spread them out!
*No farm trip tomorrow.

Lea’s been talking a lot about tingalayo. When we were painting outside today she expressed “We’re painting tingalayo!” When we asked her what tingalayo meant she explained “Making sandwiches. It’s Spanish.” tingalayo: “Come Little Donkey Come” is how the song goes. Well, we didn’t worry about what the heck tingalayo really means, we just got busy creating it in our Wee World.

This summer, a squash grew into the chain link fence. We cracked it open a bit to see if any wildlife might partake of its goodness. We think, maybe, last night, something DID partake. What could it have been?

Finn: “I know how to find out! Let’s go!”

Finn: “I see tracks!”

Nate: “Those are dinosaur tracks!”

Ada: “Dinosaurs went away a long time ago.”
Nate: “Uh-uh.” (as in no)

Let’s all make tracks!

Nate: “Let’s go find the dinosaur!”
Ada: “But dinosaurs went away a long time ago!”

The exposed squash seeds got us thinking about pumpkins and pumpkin seeds.
Lisa (brilliant at getting every Wee Friend, regardless of their age, to sit, engaged, as one community) read a book about how pumpkins grow. She asked friends “What do you think is inside a pumpkin?”

Macy: Seeds
Arleigh: Juice
Elliott: Seeds – “I like to eat them.”
Jada: Chocolate
Ada: Gooey stuff
Jane: Orange stuff
Finn: Roots.

So we checked it out. Our Past Its Prime Pumpkin Pound gave us an example of a veggie that has gotten yucky. Our new Matthys pumpkin was fresh, but also stinky.

Friends bravely picked out all the seeds.

Elliott: “You have to dry them. I can do it.”

Creating spooky witches.

Tingalayo. The song. Creating Tingalayo and tapping out rhythm in 4/4 time with sticks.

Creating future readers.

Wee Sprouts: Cucumbers. Breakfast: Malt-O-Meal with applesauce and bananas. Lunch: Cous Cous with red beans, corn and pear slices. Snack: Whole wheat crackers and orange slices.
Did you create any Tingalayo today?