Today at Wee Friends, all eyes were upon…..
The Lone Star State.

Holy Cow, we finally got to Texas. A big Texas thank you to Elliott’s folks, Bill and Amy for rounding us up and leading some us home to Texas, and taking all of us to our final destination on our summer travels Around the World in 55 days.

…Where the state flag boasts of the colors of Texas Virtues: Blue=Loyalty, Red=Courage and White=Purity. Bill and Amy taught us that the flag’s star symbolizes unity: “We are all united under the Lone Star.” We also learned that six flags have flown over the beautiful Texas skies: Spain, France, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, The Confederate States of America and finally, the USA.
The largest state in the Union, except Alaska (The second part is what Texans say under their breath, Amy and Bill explained.) “Do you know what state you were born in?” they asked. Several WF shared their birthplaces with us:
…were a few of the responses we heard.
Elliott shared with us that you have to take an airplane to get to Texas.

“We have one of those flags at my house!” expressed Nate after seeing the US flag.

Home of the Longhorn Steer and The University of Texas, or just ‘Texas’. Elliott’s folks both went to Texas. You know a student goes to Texas if you give ‘em the “Hook ‘em horns!” signal. First you make a fist, then you hold up your index finger and then your pinky. You lift your hand high in the air and with a big Texas smile, you shout out “Hook ‘em horns!!”.

Bill showed us a horseshoe and a few of the friends asked if it would fit on the purple Little Pony in the art loft. He gave it a try. We learned that in Texas, you play a game called Horseshoe.

“Does anyone know why cowboys wear boots?” Amy asked Wee Friends.
- Kai: “’Cuz of the sand!”
- Nate: “’Cuz they’ll get cow poop and chicken poop on their feet.”
- Anonymous: “Something hit their leg and hurt them.”

Bill taught us about a lasso, a spur, a saddle and of course, a good ‘ole Texas cowboy hat to keep the sun out of yer eyes and off yer neck.

Where the Two Step lives and breathes, brings people together and makes big fun! Amy played Lyle Lovett, Patty Griffin, a mariachi band, “Deep in the Heart of Texas” and “The Yellow Rose of Texas”.

And finally, Texas, home of Tex-Mex cuisine. “It’s better than Mexican food because we use more cheese!” said Bill.

Today, at Wee Friends, Bill and Amy served up a mean soft taco.

Bill taught us about corn and wheat tortillas. He showed us how to stuff the tortilla, roll it up and eat it up!

And boy, were they good.

Bill and Amy, thank you so much for sharing your Texas story, your Texas boots and Two Step, your Texas flags and omg, your TEXAS FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great time!!
Wee Sprouts: Pea pods. Breakfast: Whole Wheat toast with cinnamon and bananas. Lunch: Whole wheat and corn tortillas with ground turkey, spiced up Texas style, fresh chopped tomatoes and lettuce, sliced avocado, red salsa and shredded cheese.
Ya’ll have a real good day, now, ya’ hear?