Today we officially welcome Sophie and Elizabeth to Wee Friends!

(From Tami) “One of our Wee Friends alumni, Emily Sibilla, is home from college for the summer and is looking for some extra cash before she heads back to Valpo for her studies in meteorology. She is an awesome person and would be great as a babysitter! Her number is 574-850-8690. She can babysit up until the 13th of August.”

We kicked off our first morning back with an WF original tune: “I Miss My Mommy”. We gathered in the music area and sang along to the beat of a tambourine. Friends caught the melody and we changed lyrics to reflect each friend’s feeling. This led us to a dance session rotating upbeat and slow tunes. We added musical shakers and listened carefully so we could follow the prompts from the song.

We celebrated our first day back with the piñata! For the week leading up to our break, friends worked very hard on creating a piñata, out of Paper Mache, in the shape of a star, . This morning, we filled it with surprise goodies and each friend took a turn hitting it with Kai’s baseball bats.

And your garden is growing beautifully!

Max: I fed the fish in the lake. Boppy caught nine fish (one day) and then he got 10.
Arleigh: We went to a water park.
Jane: I flied on an airplane and I went to Grandpa’s house.
Jada: I went to work with my mommy and daddy. I saw fireworks at my friend’s house and the lights were on in the pool.
Viv: I went to Milwaukee and played at the water park.
Sydney: I stayed home with a babysitter, some of the time.
Taylor: I went to the pool with Gabi and I went to my Grandma and Grandpa’s lake house.
Macy: I went to the pool. Washed my bike and little car. I went to Grandma and Grandpa’s lake.
Cassie: I spent time with my mom and listened to my music.
Nate: I played with some trucks, outside, in my sandbox. It was not a school day.
Lea: I went to Chicago. It was far away and, actually, vacation is far away too.
Kai: I went to Mammoth Cave. We went to a hotel with a pool.
Ada: I played doctor. We put a firecracker on a stick and turned it around like this.
Finn: I went to the island.
Elliott: I went on a boat.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots and cherry tomatoes. Breakfast: Cheerios and bananas, Lunch: whole wheat penned pasta with cream cheese, watermelon and mixed veggies. Snack: goldfish and cranberries.
Have a great day.