Yesterday’s blog! Sorry, it failed to post!

Hello there!
A large group obstacle course began our Wee day.

Sit and Spin three times, hang upside down on the trapeze and race through the tunnel!

We set out Montessori beads again today. Friends counted forward and backward. One friend counted, in tens, to 120. Another friend raised a city building, and another, a pyramid. Friends used the beads to create shapes and a choo-choo track.

A few of our older friends have spent lots of time this week at the island, researching favorite subjects and writing letters, words, pictures and numbers to develop their literacy project.

Several friends spent time together creating structures with linking shapes.

At the art table, we sorted, stacked, jingled , jumbled, stuffed and counted sparkly tubes.

Lisa worked with a few friends, transcribing a story that they created together.

There were inquiries happening in every corner of the classroom.

Happy Day! Hope yours has been too.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Cereal and bananas. Lunch: Turkey sausage and melted cheddar on whole grain tortillas, corn and banana/strawberry fruit salad. Snack: Hardboiled eggs and apple slices.