Hope you are enjoying your day!
Wee Sprouts: Broccoli. Breakfast: Homemade, buttered wheat toast and apple slices. Lunch: Hummus and tortilla sandwiches, pear slices and broccoli. Snack: Yogurt and Craisins.
Hope you are enjoying your day!
Wee Sprouts: Broccoli. Breakfast: Homemade, buttered wheat toast and apple slices. Lunch: Hummus and tortilla sandwiches, pear slices and broccoli. Snack: Yogurt and Craisins.
Happy Monday and welcome back!
Friends were all smiles as they got back into the Wee Wee routine! Hope everyone had a terrific holiday weekend!
Eve, Emma, and Eren started their morning off with participating in a group paint in the kitchen. They worked together to create a work of art.
It was a nice morning so we bundled up and headed outside. Emma found a hard round sand ball that she passed from friend to friend.
For breakfast, children had chex and pears. Lunch consisted of whole grain pasta with tuna, mixed vegetables, and mixed fruit. PM snack was animal crackers and craisins.
Have a lovely evening!
Thanks to everyone who has brought in winterized mittens! Please let us know how we can help if you are having trouble finding mittens to leave at Wee Friends!
There is a big Ho!Ho! bag hanging near the cubbies for any St. Margaret’s House donations! Thank you for considering donating to this wonderful organization.
Welcome Back!
Breakfast: Cereal and apple slices. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta with tuna, orange/bananas and mixed veggies. Snack: Pretzels and peanuts.
Happy Wednesday!
Our babies spent their Wednesday working on their sitting up abilities. They did an excellent job! It’s amazing to see the continuing growth of each child day after day!
Eve and Lu-Lu read stories most of the morning! The house was quite quiet with numbers being low. We all got excellent story time and naps.
Hope everyone has a spectacular/safe holiday weekend!
See everyone Monday!
We have a Lost and Found tree on the Wee island. Please claim any items you recognize! At the end of the day, all things will be donated.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 12th at 4pm for the WF annual Holiday Celebration. We will have a short performance and a yummy snack.
This year, we will be collecting donations for St. Margaret’s House.(www.stmargaretshouse.org) We will collect Monday, Dec. 2nd-Friday, December 13th. Here are some of the items they have asked for:
THANK YOU, in advance, for supporting St. Margaret’s House!
Today we say goodbye to Lea! We love you, Lea and have loved learning and playing with you!
On behalf of the Wee Friends family, we hope you have a safe, restful and an abundantly thankful holiday weekend!
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Corn Flakes and pears. Lunch: Gobble, gobble! (see photo) Snack: Pumpkin cream cheese dip with graham crackers.
Here are a few pictures that were taken throughout the day!
For breakfast, children had corn flakes and oranges. Lunch consisted of hummus on tortilla, apples, and corn. PM snack was crackers and cottage cheese.
Have a great evening.
“Do you want to know why this turkey doesn’t have any feathers?
Because it has been shot.”
Folks, we offer the materials and we guide age-appropriate learning concepts. And then we let it fly.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Kix, Corn Flakes, and bananas. Lunch: Whole wheat tortilla sandwiches, corn and orange slices. Snack: Yogurt and rice cakes.
Happy Monday!
To start off our short week, we stayed inside all day because of the snow and cool temperatures. We did keep ourselves occupied though .
Reading stories took up most of our morning. Individual reading occurred along with teacher stories that friends enjoyed listening to.
Eve and Eren prepared a morning snack for us in the kitchen!
Children branched off into different activities that they enjoy. Emma camped out under the table reading a story while Eve and Eren zoomed through the house with their buses!
Babies were extremely active today!
The afternoon consisted of building towers (then building them again when they fell down), smiles, and habitrail play.
For breakfast, children had chex and pears. Lunch consisted of cheese tortillas, peas, and oranges. PM snack was homemade banana bread and cheddar cheese.
Have a lovely evening.
*A quick reminder that Wee Friends will be closed this Thursday and Friday in observance of the holiday weekend. We will re-open Monday, December 2.
“For what are you thankful?”
This question was ringing about the classroom this morning as friends worked on the Blue Bus, created art, worked puzzles and enjoyed the Chicken Dance.
So what ARE you thankful for? Please take a moment and share your thoughts by posting them on our Thanksgiving branches, located on the kitchen island.
Wee Sprouts: Carrots. Breakfast: Corn Flakes and bananas. Lunch: Melted cheddar on whole wheat tortillas, pear slices and corn. Snack: Homemade banana bread and peanuts.
Happy Friday!
**Just as a reminder, we’ll be closed next Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th. We’ll reopen on Monday, December 2nd.
New and exciting things are happening in the Wee Wee land! Crawling, sitting up without assistance, and baby food galore has been awesome this week!
Friends gathered in the gross motor area where children played with the blocks. We’ve found many ways to use them .
We headed outside but it was rather cold. We toughed it out for a while but then headed inside to get warm . While we were outside, a few friends decided to work with the wet sand. It packed really well and made for great castles!
For breakfast, children had malt-o-meal and pears. AM snack was peas. Lunch consisted of hummus on tortillas, mixed vegetables, and oranges. PM snack was yogurt/soy butter dip with rice cakes.
Have a great weekend!