A Great Day to be at the Farm!

If you haven’t heard me say it recently, “I LOVE my job!”  Today I took five awesome kids down to our beautiful farm on a 68 degree sunshiny fall day.  It is a fabulous day to be outdoors.  It was even better to be spending this day in the woods, running through the pasture, and on the prairie at the farm. 

Today we had very enthusiastic farm workers.  They used teamwork to gather eggs and clean all the bunny and chicken cages.  We also fed the bunnies and gave them new water.  Holding the baby bunny was a highlight for them!  

After all that work, we spent a long time pretending to be jumping horses in the pasture.  Then we moved on to other fun pursuits like climbing some trees, running down the big hill to the woods, building houses with sticks in the woods, examining the log cabin that is being built, smelling and touching the dried seed heads of the prairie flowers, and finally, letting the wind blow cat tail seeds ALL over everything.  The kids finished off the day with a little more tree climbing before we left!  Check out our  photos of the rest of our trip under the photo tab (WF Farm 10-25-10).