WF, 11/29/2017

Good Afternoon!

Several art opportunities presented themselves at the table this morning. One was the creation of holiday bulbs to decorate our tree branch. Children chose how they wanted to decorate their bulb; the overwhelming favorite was using glue along with sequins and gold/red glitter!

“Look! I made a dot of glue!”—Lately, children are aware of their bodies and what they’re doing. A friend commented, “Oh..I think my dots a little too big.” We had several conversations during this activity about our intentions and how our bulbs were transforming!


All of the bulbs that were decorated look unique to it’s creator. There are no two bulbs that look alike! Children were enthralled by the glitter and shaking off the excess glitter from our bulbs.


Maxwell and Lulu constructed an extensive road using different sized wooden blocks. They explained that some of the road was wider because the animals were bigger.


When we got outside, we were so happy to see a truck! They were working on the lines along the alley and we watched as they finished up their work. Lately, we’re fascinated with all kinds of trucks; garbage trucks, recycling truck, fed-ex truck, etc.


We hope you had a lovely Wednesday (in Lucy and Anna’s singing voice).


Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal with cinnamon and PPC blueberries.

Lunch– Scrambled farm fresh eggs with shredded cheese, whole wheat bread, banana/clementines, and PPC cucumbers/carrots.

PM snack– Air popped popcorn and banana.

Wee Sprout– Snap peas.

Have a wonderful night!


Link to pictures: WF 11/29

WWF, 11-28-2017

Good Afternoon!

We started our morning working on many puzzles, looking at a book and building towers with our magnatiles.


Miss Marty went into the basement of the other classroom and brought over some of our favorite Christmas and winter books. We enjoyed having a few of them read to us.


We saw the other classroom leave in wagons to go for a walk. So we pulled out another wagon and Miss Rebekah took us for a walk around the block.  While on our walk we looked around for different things that each one of us noticed. We noticed balls, many pumpkins and leave piles.


While the older friends were outside, Daniel enjoyed a shaving cream sensory activity exploring it in his hands.


Breakfast:  Whole grain Cheerios and pears.

Lunch:  Refried beans and cheese on whole grain wheat tortillas, blueberries/pears and mixed vegetables.

Afternoon Snack:  Toasted whole grain cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Mixed vegetables.

Have a wonderful evening!


Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIuliaBBrwzlgXz-W17X6w

WF, 11/28/2017

Good Afternoon!

Our pre-k/k group (large group) headed to the library this morning. The knowledge we’re obtaining every time we go continues to grow. Lucy commented, “I want to get a few fairytale books; they’re over here!”. A few friends were very patient: “I know that we’re looking at fiction books right now but I really want to go to the non-fiction section to look at football books!”

After every child picked their four books, we headed over to the table where a few children chose to stay there and look at their books while the rest of the group walked over to the puppet show set-up. As they started, Lulu commented, “Hey guys! At the start of the story, you have to say, “Once upon a time!”. As you can tell, we’re very into fairytale stories AND non-fiction!

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Every time we go to the library, we have a discussion in the weehicle about what behaviors we should exhibit at the library. Here’s our main behaviors that we try to remember:

“Make sure you put the book back where you find it!”

“No running.”

“Use quiet voices.”

“Watch out for cars in the parking lot.”

“Don’t scare the librarian.” (this was said very seriously!)

We made sure to exhibit these behaviors as a whole group today at the library. Each member of the group does their job as well as helping their peers with a gentle reminder when needed! Smile

Social Studies: K.2.4 Give examples of how to be a responsible family member or member of a group.

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When we were at the library, children that were back at Wee Friends took a walk on this lovely day! This is what they saw:

“I saw bare trees.”

“There were trash cans!”

“We saw dogs barking from a window!”


Breakfast– Whole grain cheerios and PPC pears.

Lunch– Refried bean and shredded cheese quesadillas on whole wheat tortillas, a mixture of fresh PPC fruit (mango, clementines, pears), and PPC peppers.

PM snack– Goldfish and sunflower seeds.

Wee Sprout– PPC pepper.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures: WF 11/28

WWF, 11-27-2017

Good Afternoon!

Today we did our painting activity at the art easel. We used our sense of hearing as we painted with our brushes. We added bells to our brushes and listened for their sounds as we made our paint strokes on our papers.


We enjoyed looking at our books and working on our puzzles. As we were working on our animal puzzles we put them up to our ears to pretend we were listening to the different animal sounds of the animals in our puzzle board.


Mack and Sophia built with the color view blocks. After they were done building they took turns looking at each other through them.


When it was time to go outside we enjoyed riding the bikes down the hill, going down the slide and working on our bouncing and catching skills with the ball.


Daniel and another friend were working on their fine motor skills by grabbing a shoe lace.


Breakfast:  Whole grain wheat toast with butter and cinnamon and clementines.

Lunch:  Whole grain wheat pasta with chicken, banana and corn.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts: Corn.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIuliZ9b-U29v-g8S-0AoA

WF, 11/27/2017

Good Afternoon!

**Here’s the first reminder about Christmas break: Wee Friends will be closed Monday, December 25th through Friday, January 5th. We’ll reopen Monday, January 8th!


This week, we’re talking about the importance of being a responsible member of a group. The term responsibility at this age is often hard to grasp; it’s very self-driven (I do ____).

In large group, we read two stories that talked about forming relationships in school as well as good examples of behavior and not so good examples. Children were quick to point out the examples that were good and the bad (“That’s not being a good friend..”).

As a group, we made a list of how we can be a responsible member in class as well as in our family. We were quick to give examples and wanting our name next to our answer, taking responsibility for our own thoughts!

There is no one specific/right way to parent but one thing that I’m sure we can all agree on is the importance of having children take responsibility for themselves. This article goes into the importance of raising responsible children and the ways that we can get there together!


Our morning consisted of getting back into our routine! Long weekends are nice but we were so anxious to get back into the swing of things. Maddie and Lulu discussed art projects that they were starting while Ruby and David (and several other peers) explored the sensory table with moon sand!


We started transitioning our fall decorations into the winter decorations. One of the things that we were most anxious for was the holiday mailbox! Children talked about what a mailman does before making the decision that each friend would get a chance to be the mailman.


We headed toward the sunshine this morning! Explorations occurred as children realized that all of the leaves were missing from the trees and brushes.


Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with cream cheese and fresh apples.

Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with shredded chicken and butter, PPC oranges, and fresh carrots/cauliflower.

PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with graham crackers.

Wee Sprouts– PPC cauliflower.

Have a lovely evening.


Link to pictures: WF 11/27

WF, 11/22/2017

Happy Wednesday!

Before most holiday weekends, we have our classic pajama day! An option to paint nails is always made. Our older children set up the runway and when we were ready…


The show started!


Miss Kim baked fresh bread with the kids this morning. Children used different measuring tools to complete the recipe.


Before lunch, Miss Melinda taught friends the chicken dance! She brought in a turkey from her home that sings and dances to the ‘chicken dance’.


Breakfast– Chex and PPC apples.

Lunch– Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, whole wheat flatbread, PPC pears/banana, and PPC cucumber.

PM snack– Homemade bread with string cheese.

Wee Sprout– Fresh carrots.

Have a fantastic holiday weekend.


Link to pictures: WF 11/22

WWF, 11-21-2017

Just a reminder tomorrow is PAJAMA DAY!

Good Afternoon!

We began our morning by playing with the balls in habitrail. Our oldest friend today, Mack passed out a ball to all of our younger friends. We then enjoyed sliding down and climbing up the slide.


Mack built a wall with the plastic blocks. He then played peek-a boo with Daniel.


Mack requested our sensory table with corn and beans. We all enjoyed scooping and filling up our containers with our variety of scoops.


Our friend, Mack built a wooden train with our train blocks, while our friend Aggie enjoyed playing with our Thomas train.


Breakfast:  Whole grain Cheerios and PPC clementines.

Lunch:  Hummus on whole grain wheat tortillas, peas and PPC banana.

Afternoon Snack:  Graham crackers and mozzarella string cheese stick.

Wee Sprouts:  Peas.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIuliZ0NoAsEMOKs8_EBXQ

WF, 11/21/2017

Good Afternoon!

A few kindergarteners met in the habitrail area this morning with a clip board, paper, and pencil. We got out the trio blocks as we started looking at the makeup of addition and subtraction equations. Children used the trio blocks to represent the numbers in the equation. For example, Lulu placed five trio blocks on one side and four trio blocks on the other side before adding them together. We talked about the difference between the addition sign and subtraction sign. Together, we came up with the answer which then lead into children drawing what they saw. After drawing the blocks, they put the answer underneath.

K.CA.1-2: Solve real-world problems, objects, or drawings that involve addition and subtraction within 10. Demonstrate the equation (e.g., 5=3+2 and 5=4+1).


Lulu took this one step further. Once she started adding numbers together, she kept the trio blocks connected. She added 5 plus 5 and got 10 and just kept on going and adding trio blocks to her creation. Once she got to 35, she added four more trio blocks coming to 39! FINALLY, she had a total of 104 trio blocks that she had counted and kept track of by writing the new answer down on her paper.


Franklin took single trio blocks and built a tower. Once it got taller than his head, Maxwell noticed he needed help so he came over and helped him continue to add blocks.


We had a group meeting this morning in the reading area. Our friends have been extremely interested in stories so we wanted to talk about how to properly put our books away so that we don’t hurt them! Miss Melinda talked about the make up of the book; front, back, and spine. Maddie demonstrated for Miss Melinda; all of us have a spine and that’s the part of the book that should be showing when we put them away.

After, children were more aware of how they were putting their book away.


Our younger preschoolers participated in a sorting activity this morning at the circle table. Children sorted mostly by color and put the counter in the correctly colored cup.


Breakfast– Whole grain cheerios and PPC cantaloupe.

Lunch– Hummus on whole wheat tortillas, PPC clementines/apple, and PPC cherry tomatoes.

PM snack– String cheese and wheat thins.

Wee Sprout– PPC snap peas.

Have a great night!


Link to pictures: WF 11/21

WWF, 11-20-2017

Just a friendly reminder, we will we closed Thursday and Friday this week for our Thanksgiving break.

On Wednesday of this week we will be having a PAJAMA DAY!

Good Afternoon!

This morning we drew in our journals with markers.


We were busy looking at books or having a teacher read them to us.


Since it was Monday we all went up on the habitrail when we heard the trash truck. He even honks his horn for us every week.


For our sensory activity we were using our hands, measuring cups and spoons to fill up our containers with the corn and beans.


Our older friend, Daniel is enjoying some quality time interacting with his friend Zoe.


Breakfast:  Toasted whole wheat bread with sunflower butter and apples.

Lunch:  Whole wheat pasta with marinara and mozzarella cheese, apples, and corn.

Afternoon Snack:  Whole milk yogurt and PPC clementines.

Wee Sprouts: Corn.

Have a great evening!


Link to pictures:!AtTCDmdhjIuliZwJBWAjFwRlu4RzFw