Good Afternoon!
This week, we’re focusing on the following FAB’s:
K.W.2.1: Write most uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, correctly shaping and spacing.
K.W.2.1: Identify and produce rhyming words.
K.G.3: Model shapes in the world by composing shapes from objects and drawing shapes.
K.4.1: Identify and describe geometric objects: circle, triangle, square, triangle, diamond, trapezoid, hexagon, octagon, parallelogram, sphere, and cube. (2006 standard)
In large group, we read ‘Happy Birthday, Tacky!”. Throughout the story, we found three words that we wrote on the chalkboard. After, we came up with as many rhyming words that we could think of for each word. We talked about how these are ‘word families’ because they are similar! Lulu commented, “We came up with the most rhyming words for cake!”
K.W.2.1: Identify and produce rhyming words.
This morning, the older group went to the farm for the first time this season! We started off the day by taking a walk back to the cornfields which was about a two mile walk—phew!
When we got back to the farm, we fed the turkeys using some wild flowers. We found out that turkeys have fuzzy ears so that it prohibits bugs from getting in their ears! They sure do like to peck!
Brooms were brought out so we could do our weekly cleaning before heading to the pond to look at some creatures that were caught! We saw a few snapping turtles, a frog, and some minnows.
Before getting back to Wee Friends, we grabbed some of Miss Charlotte’s eggs to bring back to school. We were very careful carrying them!
Back at Wee Friends, children used dominos to make designs!
Breakfast– Whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and PPC pears.
Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce, PPC apples, and fresh corn on the cob.
PM snack– Whole milk yogurt and PPC raspberries.
Wee Sprout– Carrots.
Have a great evening!
Link to pictures: WF 9/11