Happy Flag Day!
**A household reminder:
WF/WWF opens at 7:45. Please do not enter the building until 7:45. While there are teachers in the buildings prior to that time, they have arrived early to attend to other things and are not ready for children until our opening time.
Wee Friends closes AT 5:30. The expectation is that parents are in the building and working on exiting BY 5:30. If parents would like to talk with the teacher or spend some time with their child at school (potty/drink of water etc.), please arrive earlier to allow time for this. Please note that 5:30 is the line in the sand where we start charging by the minute if a parent has yet to arrive. Teachers have been instructed to consistently document for late fees all who arrive past 5:30.
In large group, we first read ‘I Am Planet Earth’. Throughout the book, we learned about the things that our Earth provides such as water. At the end, it told us to take care of our Earth. We brainstormed several ways that we could accomplish this; the most popular being don’t liter/recycling.
After, we talked about it being Flag Day. I assessed background knowledge by asking basic questions pertaining to the flag (the colors for example). We read ‘The Pledge of Allegiance’ and asked if any of the older kids say this in the morning at their school. Ellie does so she stood up and demonstrated for us! Friends had a discussion about the flag, what they saw, and what it means. At the end of the story, we learned when the flag was made as well as what the stars, stripes, and colors mean! Several friends have seen an American flag before but there is a true history lesson behind it.
Tomorrow, we’re going to research flags for different countries that we’re familiar with.
We try to focus on health eating habits daily. Children see ‘Mr. Matt’ bring our fresh organic vegetables and fruits from purple porch (http://www.purpleporch.coop/) every Monday. Daily, we offer Wee Sprouts, a variety of fresh vegetables that are put on the island for children to enjoy. It’s important to start teaching children about healthy eating habits early on in life. Thankfully, we’ve got a group of children who can demolish two bowls of cherry tomatoes and snap peas by lunch .
Children participated in various activities this morning including reading area, chain links, and habitrail play. It was quite nice so we headed outside early!
We had a terrific morning outside! The sun hid for a little bit so we got some extra outside time.
Searching for signs of bug life outside is by far one of our favorite things to do. Often, we find grass so we can make a habitat for our buggy friends.
As a group, we decided to take our magnatiles outside this morning! Our older friends were in charge of making sure that they stayed in a specific area. It was QUITE fascinating having the magnatiles outside to create with!
Breakfast– Whole grain oatmeal with honey and PPC strawberries/kiwi.
Lunch– Scrambled eggs with cheese wrapped in whole grain flatbread, banana, and PPC cauliflower.
PM snack– Blue corn chips and refried beans OR hummus.
Wee Sprout– Cherry tomatoes and snap peas.
Have a terrific evening.
Link to pictures: WF 6/14