WWF, 4-23-2012

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

Ozzie started his Monday by reviewing his alphabet. He said his ABC’s while walking on the ABC puzzle. He noted that the ‘Z’ was missing! He then gathered a few cars and trains and pretended that he was going on a vacation.

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Clara is walking all over! She spent some time in the kitchen where she used different utensils to eat food that a few friends were preparing for her.


Olivia spent time in the kitchen where she worked with play-dough. Her attention span while doing this activity was great! She enjoyed using different utensils to flatten the play-dough.


Jada, Marina, and Sloane joined each other in the kitchen to paint! They admired each others painting and called out the color that their friends were using. We’re getting very good at making precise movements with our paint brushes!

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Aiden enjoyed reaching for his toys today. He’s making many different noises with his mouth while playing at Wee Wee Friends. While having tummy time, he frequently rolls over to his back to play with his toys. He is beginning to explore his surroundings at WWF.


Elizabeth really enjoys the hammock. We have been bringing it out more often and on a daily basis. It’s a great “rest” place for some of our later nappers, and it’s just plain fun to swing in. 🙂


For breakfast, we served cheerios and fresh pears. AM snack was snap peas. Lunch consisted of whole wheat spaghetti and marinara, fresh pears, and green peas. PM snack was crackers and cheese. Our late afternoon snack was carrots.

Have a great night!


WWF, 4-20-2012

Happy Friday!

Our friends started their day off with a sensory activity. Children worked with a mixture of Crisco cooking oil and food coloring. They found it exciting when more food coloring was added in the middle of the activity which made the mixture darker! Our friends quickly found out that the mixture was slippery as well :).


Marina and Olivia chose to work with bouncy balls. Olivia threw the ball in front of her and ran after it. Marina bounced the ball on the pea gravel and then moved to the cement. Not only were they using their arms to throw the balls but Olivia started kicking the ball as well!

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Chloe and Elizabeth worked on their coordination skills as they rode different bikes around the bike path. Elizabeth is making great progress when she rides the tricycle! Chloe worked on using her legs to push her on her blue horse.

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Ozzie worked on his pouring skills. He filled his red bucket to the top and then carefully pour it back into the sand. He did this over and over!


Ozzie, Marina, Elizabeth, and Jada were making birthday desserts in the sand box! Jada brought birthday surprises to her teachers which showed great courtesy for others!

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Aiden had floor time today where he worked on picking up different sized and shaped objects. One object he picked up was a round and small kitchen item where the other was a teething ring!


Marina and Olivia played hide and seek with their friends in the play house outside! Olivia said, “Find me!”

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After outside time, our friends came in while lunch was being prepared. Marina sat in the swing and had some quiet time to herself while Olivia looked at her reflection in the mirror!

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Clara and P.K. have formed a great relationship! For some time today, P.K. followed Clara around laughing and giving her hugs.

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For breakfast, our friends had fresh farm eggs and pears. Lunch consisted of whole wheat tortillas with melted cheese, mixed vegetables, and fresh pears. PM snack was yogurt, raisins, and crackers. Aiden sure enjoyed his ‘big boy’ food at lunch! He was a big fan of his mixed vegetables with oatmeal!

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Have a great weekend!


WWF, 4-19-2012


Aiden started off the day with tummy time! He was laughing to himself as he was playing with a teething ring. He flips from his stomach to his back with great persistence and ease.


Miss Paulina gathered a group of children and went to the ABC puzzle we worked on yesterday. The name cards were used as our friends called out the picture on the card. Ozzie did a great job at recognizing not only the child but the letter that their name started with. Chloe made sure to yell out the names that she knew. When Claras name came up, Chloe said “Shh..sleeping.”


Since Ellie was out for the day, Miss Paulina prompted our children with the following question: “Where’s Ellie?” Elizabeth answered, “She’s hiding!” and proceeded to get up from her spot and start looking for her! Her friends followed her as they looked for Ellie throughout the house.


Sloane was a big help by naming the children and helping Miss Paulina turn the name cards.


While outside, Ozzie laughed enthusiastically as he ran with the blue horse around the bike circle.


Marina walked around the circle with her grocery cart. She made sure to stay on the pavement and when her grocery cart went into the pea gravel, she said “Help please!”


Jada used all of her gross motor skills as she climbed up the wooden house. Once to the top, she yelled, “I did it!”


Sloane used her arm strength by pushing her grocery cart in front of her. She would run up to it again and push it further!


Elizabeth, Jada, and Olivia climbed up the wooden house together and once at the top began laughing with each other! Olivia even used her balancing skills to lay in the middle of the house.


For breakfast, our friends enjoyed cinnamon toast and bananas. AM snack was carrots and peppers. Lunch consisted of egg casserole with cheese, sausage, and bread along with fresh cantaloupe and green peas. The fresh cantaloupe has been a hit the last couple times that we’ve had it :)! PM snack was graham crackers and raisins.



Have a great evening!


WWF, 4-18-2012

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Good Afternooon!

Our day started with blowing our pinwheels while listening to music in the background! Friends helped each other blow their pinwheel. Children worked really hard to blow on the pinwheel correctly so that the pinwheel spun.




We borrowed the letter puzzle from our Wee Friends next door! Our friends were very involved in naming the letters and figuring out words that start with that letter. Ozzie did a great job at recognizing what letter came next in the alphabet.


Marina picked out an ‘M’ for her name.




Ozzie sang the ABC’s after the puzzle was complete!


While outside, children gathered together on the swing while Ms. Paulina pushed them and sang songs! Kids rode on bikes and played in houses! Ozzie practiced his balancing skills walking on the tree stumps.



Clara sure was walking all around the backyard! She is beginning to master different terrains such as pebbles, grass, and cement.



Aiden was grasping all sorts of items today. His hands are getting strong and he’s observing the item in his hand. He was all smiles!




For breakfast, our friends enjoyed eggs with cantaloupe. AM snack was tomatoes. Lunch was brown rice with chicken, corn, and oranges. PM snack was animal crackers and pears.

Have a great evening!


WWF, 4-17-2012

Good Afternoon!

We started our Tuesday off with music time! Our friends loved using the drums and streamers while listening and singing to the music. We worked on following directions and listening to different beats. When they were given a beat, our friends were asked to follow it with the same beat.







When music time ended, children took turns in the kitchen working with two different activities. Some children worked with the sensory tub that had a coffee and flour mixture. Others chose to work at the table where they were given two bowls with elbow macaroni. They practiced scooping and pouring into bowls. Not only is this a life skill but they worked on their fine motor and hand motions.







We traveled outside into the sun where we rode bikes and wandered into play houses with our friends. It was nice to be outside with the sun on our faces!





For breakfast our friends had cheerios with apples. AM snack was snap peas. Lunch consisted of cous cous with beans, carrots, and bananas. PM snack was watermelon and string cheese.

Have a great evening!


WWF, 4-13-2012


Happy Friday!

Our Wee Wee Friends started their day off creating their own activity that occurred from children’s interest. Children helped Miss Tami as she pulled tape from the carpet. They became so interested in tape that we traveled to the kitchen where children got the chance to make their own tape project. Kids loved pulling the tape and how it stuck to their hands. Not only did this project work on strengthening their arm muscles but they were thinking about where to put the tape on the paper.


Jada made sure to stretch the tape long so she could put it on the paper.


Marina took her roll of tape and stretched it out in little sections. She ripped it off and put it carefully on the paper.



Clara loved the way that the tape felt. When she touched the sticky part with her hand, she looked up and laughed with a big smile! 🙂


Sloane used both her hands to put the tape on her paper. She noticed that the tape she was using was blue.



The tape project was over and the kids decided to clean up after themselves! They used wash cloths to clean the tables and the floors. Our friends were great helpers :).


For breakfast, our friends had eggs and bananas. AM snack was chick peas. Lunch consisted of whole wheat tortillas filled with shredded cheese and cream cheese, mixed vegetables, and mixed fruit. PM snack was string cheese and whole wheat crackers.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the warmer weather 🙂


WWF, 4-11-2012




Our friends started off their day at WWF with a sensory activity. Coffee was added to flour to make a dirt like substance. Children used their hands to sift the dirt as well as pouring tools to practice measuring and filling. Not only was this a great ‘touching’ activity, but our friends noticed how lovely the house smelt! Coffee filled the air!






While some of our friends were in the kitchen doing the sensory activity, a yoga session was taking place in the living room. Children did ‘downward facing dog’ along with a variety of stretches. One of our favorite songs came on which was ‘big brown bear’. Kids went around the living room on all fours growling like bears :)! Their gross motor skills were in high gear this morning!






For breakfast, our friends had eggs, toast, and apples. AM snack was peppers. Lunch consisted of whole wheat rice, bananas, and mixed vegetables. PM snack was crackers and raisins.




Have a wonderful night!


WWF, 4-10-2012


***PARKING REMINDER: Please remember to only park in front of Wee Friends. We know it’s easy to get into old habits but please take the time to come down our street and park the correct way. There should be no cars parked on the other side of the street or parking in the wrong direction. Remember that the parking pad and parking spots in the back are also available. If you have any questions about what’s acceptable, please ask! Thanks!

Aiden was all smiles today! He is enjoying using his arms and legs while having floor time at WWF. Sloane was working on pouring shapes from container to container. Her fine motor skills were in action while she was carefully pouring the shapes, making sure not to spill. Marina and Ozzie worked together using cars and driving them on the small window sill.





Marina, Sloane, Chloe, and Ozzie traveled to the kitchen to build a play-dough road. They took cars and drove on the pretend road. A few friends volunteered to go and retrieve play people that could walk on the road! Marina and Chloe took their hands and rolled the play-dough into a thin line.





Music time involved children using sand blocks, scarves, and streamers. Jada took her two sand blocks and scrapped them together. P.K. took his baby and wrapped her up with a scarf. He was caring while putting the baby down for night time. Ellie snuggled up with Ms. Paulina while singing a song. Ellie made sure to hum the words while Ms. Paulina played her guitar.







For breakfast, our friends enjoyed eggs and raisins. AM snack was snap peas. Lunch consisted of whole wheat bread with ham, green peas, and mixed fruit. PM snack was crackers and string cheese.



Have a great evening!


WWF, 4-9-2012


Good Afternoon!

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! We started off our morning by playing with our friends that we haven’t seen for three whole days! Some children chose to play in the tunnel while others chose to work with play-dough. Our friends gathered together on the floor this morning and worked together while playing a game.




We went outside where our friends visited the slide quite often. Children also liked riding the bikes and playing with their Wee Friends from next door! It was great to get some fresh air. Our friends worked great together while they were going down the slide holding hands!









While most of our friends were sound asleep, a few children gathered in the living room where they played together.



This morning for breakfast our friends enjoyed cheerios with pears. AM snack was cucumbers. Lunch consisted of whole wheat macaroni and cheese, mixed vegetables, and apples. PM snack was rice cakes with cream cheese.

Hope everyone has a great evening!
