WWF, Pasta anyone? 11-22-11

Good morning! For breakfast today we had cinnamon toast and mixed fruit. From there, we moved into the main room to play our donut shop game, and read two new monkey books. Sloane and Olivia are doing a great job as we put the donuts down announcing the colors.


Then it was into the kitchen to do some sensory play with some cooked pasta. We added monkeys to mix and some of our other toys. The children also played with our monkey tree, and we added some more bananas to our bunch! Christmas music filled the house as some of the children used our rainbow colored scarves to dance to the sound of the beautiful music. Our snowman felt board was also in use this morning.



Of course there was time to tend to the baby dolls. Sloane took one of our icepacks that was inadvertentyl left on the bench and placed it on her babies head and kissed the “owie!”


Just a reminder, we are closed this Friday! Also, be sure to check your PBS listings for the upcoming Curious George specials!

Enjoy the day!

WWF, A barrel of fun! 11-17-11

The children were ready for more monkey fun this morning! We started our morning with our monkey books, donut shop game, and danced to some monkey songs. It was a lot of fun. From there, we went into the kitchen and each peeled a banana. We are saving the skins to paint with later today. After we peeled them, the children all ate theirs, which also doubled as our mid-morning snack. We then found a construction paper banana with each child’s name on it, and they placed it on our chart paper with glue under yes or no, to the question, “Do you like bananas?” This was a great activity for the children. It was then time to play with our “Barrel of Monkeys” game. The children enjoyed counting them, hooking them, and even watched them swing from yarn. The monkeys swung so fast, they were like a banana, and split! Elizabeth loves our monkey books and will sit by herself and read the books, and just laugh! Ozzie was really into hooking our monkeys together with Eleanor and counting them. Olivia sat and worked on hers diligently. Sloane loves her books as well, and in between hooking monkeys, she of course tended to her baby dolls! Jada was not shy, she jumped right in on our banana peeling and taste testing. Marta was right there, into it all!

Our outside time this morning was not very extensive due to the colder temperatures. Even a few minutes of fresh air does the children well!

We came in for some music and used our rainbow colored scarves to sway to the music and to dance with. Some of the children brought over their baby dolls and danced with them.

Yesterday afternoon we visited WF to listen to their Thanksgiving concert. Bravo! It was excellent, and kudos to Miss Laurie and Melinda for working with the children. It was fabulous, and of course, we were honored to be invited to this dress rehearsal. They will perform it for their parent’s today. In lieu of our appreciation, we made them a boquet of flowers using coffee filters, paint, and pipe cleaners. We also decorated a card of thanks to them.

For breakfast today we had toast and fresh fruit, and for lunch today we had tuna casserole, baked potato strips and apples.

We apologize for no pictures today, technical difficulties with the camera.

Enjoy the day~

WWF, Going bananas for monkeys! 11-15-11

The children are settling into a great morning routine. We started our morning with two of our favorite monkey books, went to the donut shop, and learned a new finger song about monkeys swinging in a tree. Then on to the kitchen for painting with bananas. This was a great sensorial activity as well. The children really seem to enjoy it. Our monkeys and bananas on our felt board had a lot of “appeal” today.



We also made some banana muffins. The children helped to count and scoop ingredients, to mix, and of course do a “taste test” with the batter. They also experienced dumping and feeling the texture of the different ingredients. This was “bunches” of fun! We will serve them as our afternoon snack.



Before lunch we enjoyed some music with the guitar. Maracas, bells, and shakers were all part of our music time today.

For breakfast this morning, we had cinnamon toast, and of course, bananas. For our mid-morning snack, we had cheese, raisins and apple slices. Our lunch today was tortillas with cheese, carrots, and oranges.

Enjoy the beautiful fall day!




WWF, WWF has “appeal,” Monkey appeal that is! 11-14-11

No monkeying around with this group! We started our day with the donut shop game, then read two books about monkeys. We then moved into our “Five Little Monkeys” song and CD. The children are doing great with the motions to this song.




It was time to give our animals a bath. Miss Tami purchased some little tubs so the kids do their water play individually. Rub a dub, dub, our animals are sparkling!




Some of our friends used our felt board and learned our alphabet while placing the different colored letters on our felt board. Eleanor was brilliant with identifying her letters! This was some great one on one time, and enjoyable to work with the children on a one on one basis.



We were able to have some outside time before the rain. Riding bikes and playing in our log cabin house were favorites today. We enjoyed some fresh cut apples outside.

We had some extra inside time before lunch, so we read, “Frosty the Snowman,” and then listened to the CD. It was only fitting that we brought out our bells and maracas to add to the fun.

Our lunch today were alfredo noodles, peas and carrots, and fresh fruit salad. Our afternoon snacks consisted of cottage cheese and pretzels.

Please note that we are closed on Thanksgiving Day, and that Friday as well.

Enjoy the day!


It was a busy fun morning at WWF! Our morning began with some cereal and fresh fruit for breakfast.

We moved into the main room to play our donut shop game, and then read two book on monkeys. We then listened to the “Five little monkeys” CD and danced to it.



Ozzie, Jada and Max played with our new castle. Sloane, Eleanor, Ozzie, Max and Jada joined Miss Lisa in playing with our colored peg game, matching the number of circles in their wooden shapes to the number of pegs on our peg board. We also learned shapes and colors at the same time. A few of the children did Pla-Doh in the kitchen.


Clara and PK played with different textured fabric squares, while Miss Amy made a fort on our jungle gym. Different textured fabrics were draped over it, and the children had a great time with it. They played Hide and Seek under it.



Our mid-morning snack today was cheese. The children enjoyed this outside today. Please know that several of our WWF did not have gloves or mittens today, so their outside time was very limited. Winter jackets are encouraged at this time.


Enjoy the weekend!

WWF Curious? Just ask Curious George! 11-10-11


Our morning began with some dancing with various types of hats on the children’s heads. From there, the children came and sat in a circle, as Sloane pointed to our donuts and wanted to play the donut shop game, so of course, we did! We also did a few additional dances before we read “Frosty the snowman.” The children were very engrossed with this. We discussed what we will be wearing on our cold winter days.

Ozzie brought in his Curious George to share with us today. He was a big hit. In honor of his visit, we pulled down our Curious George color and matching game. It was a big hit! Curious George joined us in our circle! Some of our older friends worked on cutting paper in the kitchen. Others enjoyed a fun sensory activity with our rice tub. The strips the children cut were then glued on to paper.






For breakfast today we had pancakes and bananas. Our mid-morning snack was fresh avacado and crackers. Brrr….after a brisk morning of being outside, our chicken and rice soup just hit the spot! We had that with a fresh vegetable and apples.

Speaking of the cold weather, please remember to dress your child accordingly, as we do try and go outside, temperature permitting. As it is damp outside, please anticipate your child to have some soiled clothing. We had a few friends today who enjoyed filling cups with dirt and transporting it to our playhouse.

Hope you enjoy our photos from today!








WWF, Cooking, Matching, and pipe cleaners coming out of everywhere!


Our morning began with some dancing accompanied by maracas to “BINGO,” our fire truck song, and “She’ll be coming around the mountain.” From there, we ventured off to another journey to our do nut shop game. Chloe joins us in our circle and begins the motions to the song prior to us even starting! She has it “down pat,” as do all of our friends. Jada did a wonderful job this morning joining us in our two dance songs, jump and wiggle, and who is in the middle.


Some of the children worked in the kitchen playing again today with our strainers and pipe cleaners. What fun for a dreary morning. Straws were added to our “mix,” and seemed to be a big hit with the children.


The children also enjoyed our matching game yet again, today. Ozzie and Marta are really into our transportation cards. Chloe amazed us with recognizing some animals on hers, and placing the matching card on them. Jada was intrigued with this, as was Oliva, Marta, and Sloane.

“Too many chefs spoil the pot” is not true here! Sloane, Olivia, Marta and Ozzie were busy in the kitchen as well.


We did take advantage of yet another day of nice non typical November weather. Olivia and our WF, Nate from next door, played the Limbo with connecting a broomstick to the gate. They had a lot of fun. Chloe is trying diligently to ride one of our little bikes. Sloane and Olivia were busy in our little play house, and Ozzie was riding his Blue Dog down the hill. Go Marta, go! She is peddling our training wheel bike all over the round about, and now says, “Excuse me” if someone is in the way!

Our breakfast this morning was cereal. Our mid-morning snack was served outside. All of the children should do well with eye exams, as they are really into eating their carrots! For lunch today we dined on grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, carrots (of course!) and fresh pear slices. Our afternoon snack will be graham crackers and raisins.

Marta and Sloane have done a great job today telling us when they need to use the potty. We are progressing wonderfully in this area. For those of you that might have some of our WWF change of clothes due to some accidents, we kindly ask that once you have laundered them, you do return them to us. They sure do come in handy in situations such as these.

Clara and PK are becoming quite the “baby buddies,” and it has been enjoyable to seem them play and communicate together.

Enjoy the falling temperatures~

WWF, Cooking, Matching, and pipe cleaners coming out of everywhere!


Our morning began with some dancing accompanied by maracas to “BINGO,” our fire truck song, and “She’ll be coming around the mountain.” From there, we ventured off to another journey to our do nut shop game. Chloe joins us in our circle and begins the motions to the song prior to us even starting! She has it “down pat,” as do all of our friends. Jada did a wonderful job this morning joining us in our two dance songs, jump and wiggle, and who is in the middle.


Some of the children worked in the kitchen playing again today with our strainers and pipe cleaners. What fun for a dreary morning. Straws were added to our “mix,” and seemed to be a big hit with the children.


The children also enjoyed our matching game yet again, today. Ozzie and Marta are really into our transportation cards. Chloe amazed us with recognizing some animals on hers, and placing the matching card on them. Jada was intrigued with this, as was Oliva, Marta, and Sloane.

“Too many chefs spoil the pot” is not true here! Sloane, Olivia, Marta and Ozzie were busy in the kitchen as well.


We did take advantage of yet another day of nice non typical November weather. Olivia and our WF, Nate from next door, played the Limbo with connecting a broomstick to the gate. They had a lot of fun. Chloe is trying diligently to ride one of our little bikes. Sloane and Olivia were busy in our little play house, and Ozzie was riding his Blue Dog down the hill. Go Marta, go! She is peddling our training wheel bike all over the round about, and now says, “Excuse me” if someone is in the way!

Our breakfast this morning was cereal. Our mid-morning snack was served outside. All of the children should do well with eye exams, as they are really into eating their carrots! For lunch today we dined on grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, carrots (of course!) and fresh pear slices. Our afternoon snack will be graham crackers and raisins.

Marta and Sloane have done a great job today telling us when they need to use the potty. We are progressing wonderfully in this area. For those of you that might have some of our WWF change of clothes due to some accidents, we kindly ask that once you have laundered them, you do return them to us. They sure do come in handy in situations such as these.

Clara and PK are becoming quite the “baby buddies,” and it has been enjoyable to seem them play and communicate together.

Enjoy the falling temperatures~

WWF Daily Explorations, Monday 11.07.11


Happy Monday! We have had a great day here at WWF. We did some sensorial activities this morning with feeling the textures of different fabrics. Some were busy doing our matching game this morning by using our matching cards with transportation, fruits and vegetables, and animal themes. Painting was available in the kitchen.


Above is a picture from late Friday afternoon. The children did some rice play by mixing watercolor paint in it. The children spent a lot of time dumping and filling containers. The children really enjoyed it.




For breakfast this morning we had cereal and fresh fruit. Our mid-morning snack was carrots and rice cakes. For lunch today we had pasta with marinara sauce, lima beans and corn, and fresh apple slices. Our afternoon snack was cheese and crackers.

Our potty trainers are moving right along! We are now extending our visits to the potty every 35 minutes. It has been a great training day! For those training, please be sure you send in some extra clothes and underwear.

For those of you who have brought in snow pants, boots, hats and mittens so far, a big thank you. Please be sure to label all of your child’s clothing.

Make it a great day!