WWF Explorations, Sunshine at WWF despite a gloomy day!


It was an action-packed morning at WWF! Some of our little Picassos art work is now on display! Some of the children used different textured brushes to paint, while Ozzie opted to roll some of our cars in paint, and roll them on the paper. We also worked on shapes, colors, and counting using our wooden puzzles.


Clara and PeeKay enjoyed their sensorial experiences by feeling different types of fabric. As you can see, Clara had her favorite!




Several of the children played with rice and beans in the kitchen. Scooping, dumping, filling, sweeping, and running cars threw it was a lot of fun!


Ellie loves “When We Go Traveling By,” and enjoyed listening and turning the pages all by herself today. We had everyone else dancing, including Ozzie!


Ozzie is really big into cars, and he enjoyed using our felt board with roads to play.


Oliva was really enjoyed singing our fall song about leaves (even though it is such a dreary day!) and dangling leaves all around.


On top of cars, Ozzie was very busy in the kitchen this morning. We whipped up some gourmet entrees for all of his friends.


PeeKay is one happy little man to add sunshine to this day! Who could resist these cheeks and smile?


Ahhh….the perfect day for laying back and enjoying a good book!

Miss Marty is out today, not feeling well at all. Here is wishing her and Sloane a speedy recovery! Marta will be back from her vacation tomorrow! We miss them!

Have a great afternoon!

WWF Daily Explorations, Stringing us along! 10-18-11


It was indeed a great morning at WWF!  Several of the children gathered in the kitchen to play in our tub of rice and beans.  The children used scoops to empty and fill their buckets.  Some put in cars and put their imagainations to use.  Another group of children filled the main room with our blocks, some of them stringing them, others matching them to the color strips.  Jada and Olivia used our matching shape peg board, doing their best to match pegs and a wooden shape with holes in it, onto the proper pegs.  They mastered it well, counting holes in the shapes, learning the various shapes, and colors at the same time.

We were lucky enough to have some outside time, as we know the weather forecast for the rest of the weak is bleak.  Hats and coats on, the children were still picking the remaining tomatoes from the garden, riding their bikes, and some even made a house out of our logs.  Miss Paulina entertained the children by teaching them a few songs in Spanish!  They did a great job!

Our lunch today consisted of turkey sandwiches on whole wheat buns, navy beans, shredded carros and pear slices.  For afternoon snack we will have rice cakes with raisins.

Due to bad weather forecast for tomorrow, our farm trip will be need to canceled again. We will email soon with a new plan.

Enjoy the day!

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WWF Daily Explorations

Good Afternoon!

WWF had a busy start for this week. This morning some friends continued exploring new ideas for drawing tracks on paper and running their cars through them. Other children played with the little people (plastic miniature dolls) giving them a bath on soapy water and drying them up with towels.

Some children joined the donut shop game with Ms. Lisa and read some books, and did some puzzles.

One by one the children joined Marty peeling and slicing apples. Lisa put them in a big pot with cinnamon and water to make delicious apple sauce for our lunch. Needless to say, our mid-morning snack was apples!

Some of the children enjoyed racing their cars and trains down our track. Our outside time this morning was a little shorter due to the heavy winds.

Our lunch today was tuna noodle casserole with peas, mixed vegetables, and of course, apple sauce!

Welcome back to back Clara who was visiting her Grandma last week! We missed her!

Enjoy the day!

WWF Rolling in the Doh!

Our day began with our Donut Shop Game, and a story.

Elizabeth wanted our fire truck CD, so we did some songs and dancing to it. “BINGO” was a big hit as well!



Miss Paulina brought out the Pla-Doh. The children rolled and patted it, adorned it with sea shells, made cookie letter prints, and used our various size and textured hammers. A long snake was even made out of our Pla-Doh. The children observed it going from very long to short.



Though slightly wet out, there was still some time to play with our balls on our bridge. We are trying to savor the last few days of our “fall like” weather.

The children spent some time this morning trying out our new hammock swing! Marta, Elizabeth, Sloane and Olivia put their baby dolls in as well. What fun!



It was a great morning to sit back and do some puzzles. Elizabeth enjoyed the shapes, numbers and transportation puzzles. Olivia enjoyed working with Chloe on another. Sloane worked diligently on her number puzzle, and Marta and Jada later joined in. Others did some painting.



How high and tall can you go? Some of our friends worked on soaring to new heights with our building blocks.

For breakfast this morning, we had toast and bananas. Our lunch consisted of beef and noodles, some delicious oven potatoes and fresh fruit salad.

Enjoy the day!


The forecast does not look promising for tomorrow to be our rain date for the WWF farm trip.  Additionally, with the likely chance that it will be raining, cancelling now allows Charlotte to be committed somewhere else she needs to be.

Soooo….here’s the plan:  The older WWF over 2 years old children (Marta, Elizabeth and Eleanor) will join my regularly scheduled WF trip in one week: Wednesday, October 19th.  If any parents would like to join us with their under 2 child, please just let me know!  And if it rains again, we’ll plan on the following Wednesday! We will persevere!



WWF, Up, Up and Away We Go! 10-12-11

Our morning began with some marker and paint mural drawings. The children worked diligently on their own masterpieces, some discussing their drawings as they went along.



Fall scented homemade Pla-Doh of cinnamon filled the kitchen table. The children enjoyed doing “Pat-A-Cake, Pat-A-Cake a Bakers Man” with it. We also brought out our big buttons to add to their creations. We worked with some of the children on counting and matching in the midst of their creations. Ozzie enjoyed matching his buttons on the table. Olivia and Sloane enjoyed the texture of theirs, and flattening it out on the table. Eleanor Jada and Marta worked on theirs individually, taking much pride in their creations. We also listened to several of our fall book selections.


Our outside time this morning was spent with our new parachute. What fun this was! This taught the children the concept of high and low, slower and faster, and mastering to keep the ball we placed in the center on the parachute! We had some disappointed faces when we were done, so it will most likely be part of our afternoon activities!




For breakfast this morning, we had scrambled eggs with cheese and bananas. Our mid-morning, post parachute snack was fresh sliced cucumbers. Rice with chicken, more cucumbers, and oranges filled the children’s bellies this afternoon. As you can see below, it was a big hit!



Please be on stand-by for a farm update for our farm trip from Tami either tonight, or tomorrow. Once again, the weather forecast is not in our favor.


Enjoy the scenery of this beautiful day!

WWF, Fun and falling leaves! 10-11-11

What better way to start the day than with our “Hello Song.” Miss Paulina did some beautiful music for us. Some of the children also played our drums the rhythm of the music, while others did some dancing.


Almost all of our new friends have the words and motions “down pat” to our Donut Shop Game, and Sloane is usually the first one in the circle starting us out with the motions. Eleanor stepped right up today, and was an eager participant. We then read a new book about fall.

Some of us played in our tub of leaves, while others spent time making some beautiful glue and glitter collages accompanied by some colorful fall leaves we brought in from outside.


Our new silky square of fabric has come in handy for a sensory activity for our babies, and the older children seem to use it for us to make forts and houses. Our new baby dolls have also been getting much use, as our little girls have been taking wonderful care of them. Marta, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Elizabeth and Sloane have been working hard on feeding them, swinging them, and clothing them.







It was a beautiful morning outside. Marta especially, has become a skilled peddler on our tricycles. Elizabeth is getting close, and our grocery carts and Blue Dogs seem to still be popular with the children.

For breakfast this morning, toast and fresh fruit was served. For lunch the children had delicious chicken salad with apples, whole wheat bread, shredded carrots, and bananas.

We were glad to welcome Olivia back today after she spent a few days teaching her little brother the “ropes!” We look forward to him being a part of our WWF family in January.

May your day be filled with the beauty and splendid color of the day!



Happy Fall!

WWF, 10-10

Leaves are falling all around us, including inside WWF! This morning we listened to a story on falling leaves, and used our new felt leaves Miss Paulina was kind enough to make for us. After story time we sang our fall leaf song. The words are posted on our board, so feel free to learn the words and sing it at home with your child.




The children collected some leaves from outside, and we dipped them in paint and made a beautiful fall collage. We also cut up some apples to dip in the paint. The children really enjoyed this.

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We are now the proud recipients of a three seat stroller that Miss Tami got for us. We tried it out this morning, and were lucky enough to take everyone with us. The children listened to the crunchy sound of leaves as we walked through them. They also were able to feel them, and crumble them in their hands.


Have a wonderful day!

WWF, When the cats away, the mice will play! 9-7-11

Happy Friday to all! We truly had a wonderful week here at WWF. Our new friend, Jada, had a great first week here, and we are so grateful to have her with us. Her bright smile and bubbly personality are a welcome addition to the WWF Family!





This morning, the Wee Friends ventured off to the apple orchard. We took advantage of it, and some of our bigger WWF visited next door and played in their “Hopscotch Room.” What fun! Climbing and jumping, was a lot of fun. The car and truck room was also great fun, as the children played with them both, racing them down the ramps. “One, two, three, go,” counting and doing math can be fun even while playing with cars.

The children also enjoyed a new book and CD this morning, “Muncha, Muncha, Muncha.” They really enjoyed it. From there, it was on to the kitchen to put our fine motor skills to the test with our markers. We have some real Picasso’s in the group. Marta and Elizabeth have really blossomed in their fine motor development. They are great about being able to draw circles, usually a sign of early readers.




Sloane, Jada, and Ellie enjoyed our new pie set and fall foliage in our dramatic play area. They also played with their dolls, feeding, clothing and diapering them.

Outside exploration time was filled with bikes, push carts, and of course, our Blue Dogs.



Our breakfast menu this morning was cereal and fresh pears. Lunch consisted of a delicious egg casserole, the last of our garden tomatoes, and apple sauce.



This afternoon we will take full advantage of yet another beautiful fall day! Enjoy the weekend!


WWF, Recording great memories

We started our morning with some guitar and beautiful songs. From there, Miss Paulina brought out her recorder. All of the children sat so nicely and listened,while others shaked their maracas. Marta used her imagination and stacked some pegs to make a recorder of her own. What a brilliant idea! She then continued to play her pegs like a recorder as well! Sloane and Chloe joined in by playing the xylophone.





Elizabeth enjoyed being a mom once again in our dramatic play area, diapering her baby doll and getting her prepared for the day. Ozzie enjoyed some time playing with trucks, while Ellie and Jada joined in on the peg play, stacking them, counting them, and discussing with them the concepts of taller and shorter, and learning our colors as well.




Sloane, Elizabeth, Olivia and Marta enjoyed some dump and fill while scooping up the pebbles in our log cabin house outside. Ozzie enjoyed riding his Blue Dog down the hill, and has mastered the concept of go and stop as well.

Chloe and Sloane spent some time coming down the slides at the same time. Sloane is counting aloud with “One, two, three, go” prior to heading to the bottom.

Everyone joined in for some painting fun on our outside art easel. The children painted some beautiful pictures, then we taped fall leaves on them to add to their creations.



PeeKay and Clara also enjoyed the beauty of the fall day, observing not only the beautiful colors of the trees, but watching their friends, as well.

For breakfast this morning we had scrambled eggs with cheese, whole wheat toast, and bananas. Our mid-morning outside snack was rice cakes. Sloane and Olivia sat themselves on the our little bench, enjoyed their snack, and soon, the whole group joined in. Our lunch was ham sandwiches on whole wheat buns, corn, and raisins. We sure had some hearty eaters today.

May the beauty and splendor of this fall day fill your heart with sunshine!