WWF Daily Explorations, 9.04.11

Good Afternoon!!

Today WWF began their, morning with the longest music session in the history of WWF!!!

They sung, played their instruments and danced the new Hello song, Los Pollitos Dicen, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Aram Sam Sam, The Wheels on the Bus, a few chants without words and a few sung improvisations that were initiated by the children.




We finished our music session with a nap song. Some children rested on the carpet or cuddled with their teachers.


When it was time to go out we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and go for a walk. We took two strollers and a wagon and explored our neighborhood. Coming back to WF we still enjoyed some time outside making more music and playing.


For lunch WWF had mixed veggies, whole wheat quesadillas with ham and grapes.

Have a wonderful rest of the day!

WWF Daily Explorations, Monday 10-3-11



Happy Monday Morning! (How can you not smile with Clara smiling at you!)

This morning we welcomed Jada, our newest Wee Wee Friender! Jada enjoyed her morning discovering all of the cool things you get to do at school.


In the artroom, Miss Paulina led the children in a collaborative effort of putting apple stickers on a tree and then coloring the big picture together. There were lots of “pre-writing” efforts made by Marta and Elizabeth that were definitely advancing from scribbling to writing. Miss Paulina worked with young toddlers on getting the markers on the paper rather than faces and clothes:) It is a learning process!



Miss Paulina brought in hand made felt oak leaves for the children to feel, sort and identify color. They enjoyed the texture of the beautiful leaves and acorns.


We also did several rounds of small group stories and, of course, our favorite book with CD, “We All go Travelling By”.


Some other fun moments:







And my personal favorite shot of the morning!


Have a great day!

WWF Daily Explorations, Friday 9-30-11

Good Afternoon!

Despite the dreary weather, WWF had a great morning! We welcomed Jada (20 months old starting on Monday) for her second visit to get acclimated. We also braved the fall weather for some ‘bundled up” outside time.

After our outside play, the children started playing with buttons, which evolved into playdough with button play! This play involved most of the children for quite some time.




We also had a very long music time with books and dancing:




Other moments:



For breakfast the kids had cheerios, fruit and milk. For lunch we had whole wheat pizzas, broccoli and bananas. For snack we will have banana muffins and cheese.

Have fabulous weekend!

WWF, Out and about! 9-29-11

It was so wonderful to see the sun out this morning. We started our day with trains, planes, and automobiles! The children are really enjoying our new yellow track, and racing the cars down our indoor slide. Ozzie is becoming really good at, “ready, set, go!” Eleanor is counting to three!

Once it was announced we would be going outside, the children helped to gather their shoes and socks, and out we went. How nice it was to open the door, see the sun, and see our WWF take off to the top of the hill and sit on the cement by the garage door. This is WWF “protocol” as they wait patiently for the teacher’s to bring out bikes, our Blue Dogs, and shopping carts. Marta and Elizabeth continue to be our “brave one’s,” while Olivia and Sloane are a little more reserved!

Prior to lunch we did some books accompanied with a CD. The children danced to “We all sing with the same voice.”

Our breakfast this morning was Kix cereal and banana slices. For lunch today we had turkey and cheese tortillas, pear slices, and shredded carrots. Our afternoon snack was cheese and crackers.

This afternoon after nap, Elizabeth and Sloane were busy in the kitchen. Marta, Eleanor, Chloe and Ozzie enjoyed our new fall Pla-Doh.

We are sorry, but no photos today, as we did not locate our camera until recently!


WWF, Rolling up some great fun! 9-28-11

The weather was disappointing, as we were looking so forward to our farm trip today. Sloane had her ladybug boots ready to go, but will put them up until we attend again, which is tentatively scheduled for October 13. Tami will keep everyone informed via email.



This morning it was fun to race our cars down our slide, and on our yellow race tracks. Ozzie and Eleanor really enjoyed this.




Sloane and Marta cheered them on. Pla-Doh fun was available in the kitchen. We now have a fresh batch of red, and a delicious cinnamon smelling one. The children rolled some red Pla-Doh into balls, and we topped them with a black pipe cleaner and a leaf to make apples. The children also used small rolling pins to roll some out. Marta, Sloane, and Ozzie also enjoyed making some beautiful drawings with markers. Eleanor and Marta played in shaving cream mixed with purple paint. Yesterday afternoon, it was a pleasure to see Marta and Elizabeth journaling. Marta seemed to be really be missing Finn, as she would draw something, then begin to talk about Finn. Though young, this is a great way to get their thought process going.


Some of the children enjoyed our new ball pit, for others, it was a great morning to snuggle and read books either by themselves or with a teacher.

The competition is on….PeeKay, or Clara, who will crawl first? Both babies are thriving in their physical development. PeeKay kept us very entertained yesterday, as Miss Paulina was acting like she was sneezing. The little guy was laughing, it was contagious!

Marta and Elizabeth seem to really be utilizing our new kitchen dishes and having really been using imaginary parallel play. It is so nice to see their budding friendship. Sloane and Olivia enjoy their afternoon time on the jungle gym, and they too, have developed a special bond.

It has been an extraordinary, great week at WWF! Make it a great day!

WWF, “Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice, that is what Wee Wee Friends is made of!” 9-27-11


Despite the rain, we made it a great morning inside of WWF. We started our morning withthe donut shop game. It was great to see the children recite the motions to the song and learn colors. We then read, “The Apple Pie Tree.” This was a great way to get the children engaged in fall. It was then time for some guitar music. We also brought out our tub of fall leaves. We sang some songs about falling leaves, and practiced dangling them from up above to the floor. We also did a “fall rendition of “Ring Around the Rosie.” The children really enjoyed it.





The children have really taken to our new apple pie set. They were busy setting the table and serving the pie, serving coffee and tea to their friends and teachers. Sloane and Elizabeth gathered up their baby dolls to accompany them. It was then on to our kitchen to make some homemade apple sauce. Marta really enjoyed using our apple peeler, and really developed her fine motor skills. We all counted the apples on the table, and Sloane and Oliva helped themselves and bit into apples all of their own. The children added cinnamon before we placed it on the stove. The whole WWF house smelled of apples and cinnamon, perfect for this fall day!

Several of the children enjoyed working on their gross motor skills while climbing and jumping in our new ball pit. In all, it was a great morning!


For lunch today we dined on tuna salad, whole wheat bagels, peas, and of course, our homemade apple sauce.

Prior to naptime, we had story time. We read a book titled, “Apples.” We also read “Ten Little Ducks.”

In regard to the farm trip tomorrow, Tami has said that if the weather is rainy around 8:00 or so, we will not be going. If weather conditions are uncertain, Tami will send out an email.

Enjoy the afternoon!



WWF Daily Explorations, Monday “Pie Time!” 9-26-11


This morning made us smile! We had happy children and happy teachers, despite the dreary weather start.

This morning we started with “We all Go Travelling By”, our favorite book with CD. Other favorite morning fun:

For some fall fun, we have a new play apple pie set. We have some red playdough planned for some applicious afternoon fun!



Ozzie spent a great deal of time exploring how the cars move down the slide.


The new ball pit was a great hit too! Climbing through the balls, moving the balls to the upside big blocks, rolling the blocks on the balance beam and rolling the balls up and down the slide were all poplular with all the kids.





Looking through the wooden blocks was also fun for Eleanor today.


And there was also some sudsy water play:


*Olivia and Ozzie spent some time painting with chunky paint (tempera with rice).

*Outside time in…sunshiny, cool, wonderful fall weather.

For lunch we had: brown rice with chicken, fresh apples, and corn.

A few other shots:



Have a great day!

WWF, “Quacking Up!”

Today we started talking about ducks. We read some books that Miss Amy brought in, and played with a rolling duck toy. The children really seemed to be interested in it. We also listened to “We all go traveling by” for Eleanor. We sang “Six Little Ducks.”





Max, Marta and Olivia enjoyed playing in the Dramatic Play Area. Sloane and Elizabeth joined in as well! They served up all types of dishes, set the table, and had a wonderful meal. It was nice to help the children count the dishes as they placed them on the table, as well as with the cups and serving their food portions.

Miss Amy made some homemade whipped cream for the children to play in. They enjoyed watching her mix it, then played in it at our kitchen table! What fun! It was time to use our fine motor skills and get out our banana slicer and slice up some bananas. Max and Marta did a great job with this, and passed them out so nicely to their friends.




The hill with our bikes was a “big ticket item” again today. The children are really enjoying riding their bikes down it.

Our breakfast today was Kix Cereal with bananas. Miss Tami prepared a delicious pita with cream cheese, Colby cheese, and sliced carrots. This was accompanied with fresh fall apples and avocado, and pea pods.

If you have not already done so, please let Tami know if you will be accompanying us to the farm via email.

Enjoy the beauty of our fall day! Make it a great weekend! We are looking forward to next week being a super week here at WWF!

WWF, “Falling” for a great day!

It has been a great day here at WWF. This morning some of us went on our daily nature walk. We felt the texture of the beautiful fall leaves, examined the beautiful colors, and discussed some of the different shapes. Ozzie enjoyed rubbing a leaf along side his face, and then Eleanor, Marta, Elizabeth and Olivia joined in.




Sloane, Ozzie, Marta, Elizabeth and Olivia are really enjoying riding and pushing our Blue Dogs down the hill. Some have overcome any fears of the thrill and speed, while a few still have some reservations. Many of them are now pairing up to go down the slide holding hands! We are counting to three, and “ready, set, go!” The end result sure brings some smiles to our WWF! It was also a great morning to sit outside and read some fall books. Marta was our official “page turner,” and did a great job!





Our breakfast this morning was fresh fruit and whole wheat toast. Our lunch consisted of ham on whole wheat tortillas, sweet potatoes, and pears.

We look forward to a wonderful afternoon!