WF Daily Explorations, 9.21.11

It’s already Wednesday!? Yes! time flies for our busy Wee Wees. This morning we took our usual walks and played outside. What a gorgeous fall day!

Ozzie was amused by the noises he could do while walking up and down our hill outside. He practiced this several times and invited teachers and friends to join him! so we did!


We had some time to paint and had a new artist joining the club. It was Pnei’el’s first time at the easel, and she was very intrigued by the effects of her strokes on the paper.




She has also been working hard at her newest most fun skill. WALKING!


PK is working on pulling himself up. He often scoots up to our feet and finds our legs to pull up and stand. He is also learning to move his body forward and get on his hands and feet in preparation for crawling.


Clara is working on following objects and people with eyes, for long periods as well as in eye-hand coordination. Her dimples go from here to next week! We love her continuous smile!


For the last couple of weeks we have noticed how Marta and Elizabeth have been interested in seating down to scan books and notebooks independently from their teachers. To follow this interest, this week we started offering their own journals and time to sit and explore pre-writing skills. While this age is too early for official journaling, we hope we are supporting the very begining of this skills and encourage them to build this wonderful habit into their lives.


WWF, Daily Explorations, Tuesday 9.20.11


It was a beautiful morning at WWF! Some of us enjoyed the beautiful fall weather with a walk. We felt the texture of some fall leaves and crumbled them in our hands. For those of us that stayed behind, we played “Stop and Go” on the circle, and “Follow the leader.” Marta and Umi are mastering our bikes with training wheels. The children also enjoyed the slide today, and have mastered our log steps climbing back to the top. Markers were available in our outside art area. The children made a beautiful mural. The children enjoyed some books before lunch.

For a late morning snack, we had some delicious cucumber slices and rice cakes. Our lunch today was an egg and potato casserole with whole wheat toast and fresh peaches.

May your day be filled with the beautiful fall day and sunshine in your heart~









WWF Daily Explorations, Monday 9-19-11

Good Rainy Monday Morning!

Despite the rain, the WWFer’s stayed busy this morning. After some breakfast (whole wheat toast and applesauce), the children did some small group art at the easel and the table. Last Thursday, we wrote their names on the easel paper that they were cooperatively coloring. Today, Marta remembered and asked me to write her name again. We talked about the letters in everyone’s name as Miss Tami modeled the writing. The children used the easel paints, dot paints and markers for their project today.



Marta, Eleanor and Olivia played for quite awhile with the letter cookies. We brought out all of the small bowls and they filled them with the letter cookies. We talked about the different colors and letters as they arranged the cookies.


Housekeeping was very poplular with the girls today. We changed the housekeeping area arrangement to accommate this growing interest. We added 4 chairs to the little table (now a “dining table” instead of “coffee table”). We also added a small high chair for the baby dolls.


It was a busy morning so I didn’t get too many pictures taken! So here’s a few from Friday afternoon:





WWF, Sunshine on our shoulders, fall frolicking and friendships!

It has been a fabulous Friday at WWF. This morning we had story time followed by some dancing to Eleanor’s favorite, “We All Go Traveling By.” Sloane’s favorite is “Sunshine on my Shoulders,” and it seems as though the children really love to dance and use our maracas. Sloane now goes up to the basket on the shelf and points to them to let us know we forgot to bring them down! When the music is over, some of the children tell us, “more.” It is indeed music to our ears!


 Max, Marta and Elizabeth were a terrific trio going down our hill on our Blue Dog Push cars. They are becoming quite the adventurous ones. They now put their legs up, and are really enjoying the speed. Sloane and Elizabeth had fun in our playhouse, and have developed a strong interest in their culinary skills. It is amazing what you can make on plates with pea gravel.

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 For lunch this morning, we had cereal and fresh fruit. Our late mid-morning snack consisted of rice cakes, an Ozzie favorite. For lunch today, we had ham, delicious squash, and oranges. We talked about fall colors. The children are excellent at singing our lunch song, and pushing their charis in when they are done.

We wish our little man, Peekay a speedy recovery, we miss him. Also, hugs to Miss Marty, who is trying so hard to feel better. She went home sick today, and hope she can recover this weekend.

May your weekend be filled with sunshine, great family memories, and perhaps, a win for the Irish!



WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 9-15-11

On this wonderful fall day we:

Followed the children’s request for their favorite books with music CDs. Miss Lisa played the “I spy with my little eye, you can hear with your little ear” over and over as the children begged for “just one more time”.



After that, we had some water time available with soapy bubbles. It was good clean fun!


And some cooperative group easel time. While Elizabeth was at the easel from start to finish, the others came and went adding their own little touch to the painting.


Some small group story time:


And of course, toys and game time:


Followed by some outside time. Outside the children spent most of their time in the cottage climber serving each other cups of pea gravel.


Breakfast was whole wheat toast with fresh pears. For lunch we had whole grain tortillas with turkey and cheese, peas, and mixed fruit.

Have a great day!

WWF Daily Explorations, 9.11.4

This morning lots of different activities took place. Friends explored colored pasta scooping into varied kinds of cups, jars and bowls. They also learned how using a big a tongue depressor they could scrape off the excess of pasta on their bowls and make it nice and flat.


Some of them decided to go all the way in! and feel the pasta on their legs and feet. While being inside the tub Marta decided it was a car and using the plastic rings they pretended go for rides. Paulina help them singing some riding and good bye songs.


Using markers and paper at the art easel Tami modeled writing names for our friends. It was interesting to see that some of them showed very porpuseful imitation at the moment of having their turn to write. You can appreciate this in a picture we took of their writing sample.




Ozzie, took some time to recharge and found a quiet place to play with the trains accompanied by miss Lisa.


Later we tried another tub but filled with Autumn leafs, the children enjoyed watching and feeling them dropping on their heads and bodies.


Eleanor requested to listen to our “We All go Traveling By” book several times today.


Some friends enjoyed touching and conversing with teachers about shells. They also were interested in noticing similar pairs of shells and taking them in and out of the basket.


For lunch today they had Brown rice and pork with peas and green apples.

Have a wonderful day!

WWF Daily Explorations, 9.13.11

WWF began their day dancing to Dan Zanes’s lovely and fun music. Thanks Ozzie for sharing this with us!

005 Some friends spent time sorting buttons by shape or color. They grouped them using colored bowls or simply putting them close together on their individual rugs.




Outside our friends had a little snack and colored with markers at the art easel. The teachers observed an interesting new form of play for happened today. Some of the younger children helped each other ride their bikes, one pushing and the other riding.


For lunch our WWF had broccoli, bananas and whole grain with cheese.


Have a wonderful day!

WWF, Tree bark, water play and so much more!

It has been a great Monday morning, mainly being spent outside. Some of the children went on a walk. They are really inquisitive and have retained so many of of the things we have learned this summer. Today we investigated tree bark. We felt it, compared long pieces of bark to short ones, and talked about how it came off of a tree. We also felt the texture of it and talked about smooth and rough. Max and Marta took the initiative and harvested our garden. The children are excellent about helping to pick the tomatoes. As a result, we had those, and apples for our light, late morning snack.



 Eleanor and Ozzie enjoyed some shaving cream fun inside today. We also used some bright color paint to add to the fun.

For lunch today we had tuna, noodles, and peas with cooked carrots and watermelon. For those who joined us for breakfast, we had whole wheat toast and pears.

This afternoon some of us enjoyed water play, while others enjoyed having stories read to them, or enjoyed reading by themselves. Sloane and Olivia were busy in our kitchen, and they sure did a lot of cooking.


 Happy Birthday wishes to Elizabeth and Marta! Marta turned two on Saturday, and Elizabeth will be two tomorrow.

Fill your heart with sunshine and peace!



WWF, Shaving Cream Fun!

It has been a busy day here at WWF! This morning some of the children enjoyed shaving cream play at our kitchen table. Most of them enjoyed the texture of it, while some did not care for it. Water play was also a part of our morning activity.



Our outside exploration consisted of chalk drawings and the slide was a big hit. Some of the older children enjoyed the bikes, and are getting quite good at peddling their way around our circle. Several of the children enjoyed a walk in the neighborhood as well. We also read several stories. Elizabeth and Marta took some inside walks with their babies. Elizabeth sang her baby a good night song, and covered her baby with a blanket. We also discussed our friend Finn, and how he is at his new house in Spain.



Our breakfast this morning was whole wheat toast and fresh fruit salad. For lunch today the children enjoyed Sloppy Joe’s with garden tomato salad and cantaloupe. Our afternoon snack was homemade cranberry bread and cheese.

Have a peaceful day!

WWF, and sunshine on our shoulders!


Despite the clouds and rain, indoors at WWF was filled with a lot of beautiful music and sunshine! The children really enjoyed our new book and CD, “Sunshine On My Shoulder,” by John Denver. The children also enjoyed the beautiful illustrations in this book. We also did our “We All Go Traveling By,” and our new friend Eleanor, requested an encore or two. Miss Tami purchased us two new books and CD’s, “Walking through the Jungle,” and “Magic Train Ride.” The children used our shakers and rainbow scarves to the music. It was a wonderful way to spend our morning. Marta, Elizabeth and Sloane played with their baby dolls and purses. They sure are little mommies!



The children spent some time before lunch outside on our bridge. They enjoyed our tunnel. Even our little WWF’s enjoyed crawling through to the other side. A light morning snack of fresh garden green beans and tomatoes was served




Our breakfast eaters dined on whole wheat toast and bananas. For lunch today we had whole wheat tortillas with refried beans and cheese, avocado salad with bananas and raisins, and watermelon.

Prior to nap, Miss Paulina sang the children some lullabies. Her beautiful voice was soothing to the children.

This afternoon we played our nature matching game, read several books, and played with our peg boards. The children really enjoyed placing the various colored pegs in our butterfly, heart, turtle, duck and ship cut outs.

Enjoy the afternoon~