WWF Go to the car wash

The children have had a very productive morning. They started the day with our donut shop game, then we read a book about airplanes and cars. The discussion broadened as we talked about washing our bodies as they get dirty, and how we do the same with cars. The kitchen sink was filled with bubbles, and it was time to get busy washing our play cars. The children seemed to really enjoy it. Some of the children ventured on a walk. They have had a lot of fun identifying some of the cars of their fellow Wee Wee’s coming down the street or in the neighborhood for drop off, some of them stopping to join our group.



The children enjoyed dumping and filling buckets in our big rice bin this morning. They seemed to have really enjoyed this sensory activity. Some enjoyed just sitting in it, while others did not care at all for the texture of it. Trays with construction paper, tape, shapes and other fun objects was also a great art outdoor activity.



After our delicious lunch of ham, bean and vegetable soup served with whole wheat bread and bananas, we listened to some books and music on CD. This is a great way to calm and relax the children prior to nap time.

This afternoon we will do some outdoor chalk drawings and talk more about cars and the different components of it. The children are enjoying our new magnets which are circles, and bar like objects in all different colors. They are learning to discover how they connect, learning colors, and creating all different shapes with them. Some of them have been working on number and color sequencing with them as well.



We can assure you that today you will only be receiving one blog from us! I guess it is fair to say that sometimes “two are better than none,” as was the case yesterday!

Thanks for all you do! Take a moment to think about the smile of your little one when you are feeling exhausted by day’s end, and how love really is a smile even when you are tired! Enjoy the day!



WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 8.23.11




Today WWF began the day exploring high and low musical sounds. They listened, moved and sung to a different a range of recorders (tenor, alto, soprano and sopranino recorders). Using streamers they moved making large strokes and bouncy short strokes according to the music.



With a fully staffed house (all four of are here this week), teachers continue working on getting our new babies adjusted to the new environment. Holding, carrying, singing, bouncing, rocking, strolling and having lots of one on one time with them!



Having the extra teachers this week has allowed all other WWF continue their daily explorations as well.


Have great day!

WWF on the move!

Welcome, Baby Clara! Clara started here today, she is three months old, and she has a head full of beautiful dark hair, beautiful blue eyes, and seems to be fitting in with her new friends! Her mom is Amy, and dad, Pete. Welcome to our WWF family!

This morning was spent with several walks with the children. Some of the children were on foot, while others traveled in the stroller. It was a great day to review all of the wonderful things we have learned and discovered over the past few weeks. The children observed moths, butterflies, and the various colors of blooming flowers. Some of the boys looked for bugs, while they held hands and walked down the street! Upon our return, we read a book about butterflies, and “In the Town All Year “Round.” We all enjoyed Finn’s tales about his recent camping adventure.

For lunch today we had whole wheat pasta with tuna and peas, fresh garden cucumbers, and assorted fresh fruits. The children are doing a great job with washing their hands before and after lunch.

This afternoon we will use our wooden block ramps to race some cars, then we will do some water play with a “car wash” based theme.

Around and Around we go!

One very Happy sleeping Baby!!!

The children enjoyed our donut shop game this morning.  Even our little Sloane is catching on to the hand motions of the game.  Marta is now handing donuts out to the teacher’s when it is their turn and verbalizing the color to us.  We listened to our new CD and book, “We All Go Traveling By.”  It is about listening with our ears, and doing some “I spy” with our eyes.  This is tying in wonderfully with broadening our transportation theme.  We brought out our circle plastic rings and the children acted out driving all of the different modes of transportation.  They also reviewed the different colors of the rings.   Jason was kind enough to play some beautiful music on the guitar for us.  Our new friend Ozzie, really enjoyed this.  Please click on the link below to view.

Some of the children went on a walk in the neighborhood this morning.  This was a great learning tool to recognize automobiles, motorcycles and bikes, and to identify each of these.

The tomatoes in the garden are absolutely fantastic!  The garden has been a wonderful way to teach the children everything from planting the seeds, watering them, and watching them grow.  They are great at harvesting our crop, but mainly  sampling them and dining on our home grown vegetables and fruits.

Our nap time has taken on a bit of a “new twist,” as some of the older children are transitioning to toddler beds, while others are going from car seats to cribs.  It has been a “work in progress,” with some of them, but we are getting there!

Today Miss Laurie made us some delicious pizza on whole wheat crust, peas, and fresh fruit.    Hats off to our chef!

Enjoy the weekend!





jason’s music session

WWF an early Mothers Day!

The children were really engrossed in playing with their baby dolls this morning. It was so interesting to watch them, and truly amazing on what they observe and pick up on. Elizabeth and Marta laid on the floor with some pillows, propped their babies up and fed them their bottles. They also put them in the baby carrier, put a purse on their shoulders and headed to the door. Of course, they told us good bye, and when we asked them where they were going, most were going to work. It seems as though most of them are up on our technology, as they were talking on their cell phones, some even taking pictures.



Later during outside time, the children went to the chalkboards & we discussed the airplane that was drawn on it. The children initiated conversation about the wings on the airplane and the windows. Elizabeth mentioned a butterfly in correlation with our discussion yesterday about how other things have wings and can fly. Marta made mention of a bird. We drew these on our chalkboard.

Today the children had a bear hunt, but we a little bit of a different twist on it. One of the children would hide a stuffed teddy bear, and the rest of us would close our eyes, then wait to go find it. Bubbles filled the air with lots of excitement as well.

Today we had couscous with navy beans, cantaloupe, and carrots for lunch. We had some very hearty appetites!

This afternoon we will make a runway with our blocks, and begin some discussion on how cars are also a way of transportation. Triangles are the new shape, and we will continue to explore looking for them in objects we explore and books. The children began exploring our new shape yesterday afternoon by using some new crayons that had triangles at the end of them. They were also able to get some painting in. PK enjoyed some new exploring with bubble wrap.




Please note that breakfast is served until 9:00 a.m. daily. If you would like your child to have breakfast here, please keep this time in mind.

Enjoy the beautiful summer day!

WWF Exploring Wings!

We spent the morning outside. The children spotted a butterfly, and we discussed how it has wings and can fly. We talked about the wings on a butterfly are different to that of the wings on an airplane. Shortly after that, we spotted a few birds. It is great to see the children observing nature and initiating discussions on what we have been talking about. Elizabeth, Finn, and Marta did some dramatic play.



We took our “donut shop” outside today. Finn was extra creative and added sand to the top of his, and told us that they were his sprinkles! We read several stories outside as well.

Miss Laurie led us on a bear hunt! How exciting! The children spotted a brown and black bear, and a grizzly. They covered the log cabin house with a sheet and used it to hibernate. It was an adventurous morning at WWF.

For lunch today we had ham sandwiches on whole wheat buns, peas and bananas.

We hope Marty is feeling better, and will be back with us tomorrow. We sure do miss her.

Have a great afternoon~


WWF Up, Up and Away!

The children were eager to start the day today with our “Donut Shop” color game. All of the children are really getting to know their colors. We have circles in an array of colors. We begin with clapping our hands on our legs and singing, “Down around the corner at the donut shop, where there are lots of pretty donuts with sugar on top. Along comes, (child’s name), all alone” and she/ he picks a circle and names the color. The children have had great fun at this.


We welcomed our new friend to WWF this morning. Ozzie is 19 months old and we are glad to have him with us.

We read two books about airplanes, then we talked about different things we might put in our suitcase when we travel. The children had great suggestions. The children looked through magazines and we sought out pictures pertaining to what we might pack, cut the pictures out, and made a mural. The children enjoyed squirting the glue on the paper, and gluing down their picture. We looked at a picture of an airplane and how it looks inside. The chldren even picked where they would want to sit.

Boarding passes, please! Our “crew” boarded the WWF Airlines outside in our box airplanes. They checked in their luggage on wheels, handed Miss Lisa their pretend boarding passes, fastened their seat belts and tightened them, and enjoyed a pretend lunch on individual trays. They placed their drink orders, and some even requested dessert. After landing, the children went up to our roundabout, started their engines, and began to fly. Their arms turned into wings. Just as we were taking off, we saw a real plane in the air. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect!


All of the children have enjoyed harvesting the garden. Today we picked some green beans, zucchini, and more tomatoes. The zucchini was added to some delicious pasta sauce for lunch. The children had whole wheat pasta, and bananas.

This afternoon we will explore outside and discuss things that do and do not fly. A few of the children spotted two butterflies this morning, and they were excited to see them flying. This opened up a whole discussion on how butterflies have wings different than airplane wings, but both can fly.

We are still searching for a pair of Stride Rite pink shoes and an outfit that went missing last Thursday. If anyone picked them up in a plastic bag inadvertently, please let us know.

We look forward to soaring to new heights this week with more discussion on airplanes and shapes.

Enjoy the day!

WWF Soaring to new heights!

This morning we started the day with our CD and book, “We all sing with the same voice.” It is a WWF favorite, and the children are learning about diversity, different parts of the world, yet how we are all the same. Finn knows the words by heart now, and is fabulous at leading us in song!

We read some more books about airplanes, and talked about boarding the plane, and boarding passes, as well as the air traffic controllers in the tower. It was a great day to take out some boxes from the basement, take them outside, and create some airplanes. We had a pilot, carry on bags (with no additional fees!), fastened our seat belts, and waited for the tower to tell us it was “all clear” for take off. We talked about gaining speed, and the wheels on the plane. Pretend snacks were served. One of the children said another plane was on fire. Fire fighter Finn to the rescue. Imaginations were running rampant. The children are quick to recite the words to our new songs about airplanes.


For lunch today we had a Caelan favorite in honor of his last day, pizza, pineapple, and fresh cucumber.


This afternoon we will make some airplanes and bid farewell to our little Caelan.

Please note that Tami has placed a payment box on the shelf near the cubbies. Please deposit all checks in it from this point foward.

Make it a great weekend!

WWF Flying High!

We started our morning with some of our WWF wanting to try their skills again today with our peg shape board. They did a great job, and they sure were diligent, and high achievers!

We listened to yet another new CD with an airplane song on it. We had some instant dancers, and even Finn’s dad joined in the fun. We read several airplane books,and learned about our luggage and how it is stored on the plane. We also read, “Shoo-Fly.” We have been singing that quite a bit outside recently, and it was great to have the children join in. We also sang our airplane song, and have posted the words on our board. We encourage you to sing it with your child. It is to the tune of, “I’m a Little Teapot.”


Our airplane collage is looking beautiful! Today we added circles in all colors. The children seemed to have a great time working on it.



Another beautiful day, and another beautiful day of harvesting the garden. We are still harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans. Our very own watermelon was served at luch today, with tuna on whole wheat bread, and peas.

Tomorrow will be one of our “WWF orginals” last day. Caelan and his family will be relocating to the Chicago area. We wish them all of the best in their future endeavors, and we will miss not only Caelan, but his beautiful family as well. We will have a small celebration for their new start tomorrow afternoon.

Enjoy the beautiful day!