WWF, Marker play!, 1-25-2012

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon!

Wee Wee Friends starting off our day playing and listening to music. Our friends are really starting to hear the different sounds and rhythm of the music. A few of our friends joined together to walk, run, and stomp around the room while songs were being played and instructions were being given. While playing with the drums, a drum beat would be played and many repeated the beat back! It was wonderful!

After music time, children chose to do multiple activities. In the kitchen, children chose to work with play-dough. While using straws and play-dough tools, intricate designs were made. While some children chose to work with play-dough, there was a marker and crayon extravaganza happening on the floor of the kitchen. A big white sheet was taped onto the floor of the kitchen. A few children chose to work with marker while some children chose a different medium, crayon. The mural turned out great!


















For breakfast today we had Whole wheat toast with soy butter and apples. Lunch consisted of scrambled eggs, turkey, cheese on whole wheat English muffins with butter and mandarin oranges.

Have a wonderful day!

WWF, Paint, Celery Root, and Apples Oh My! 1-24-2012

Good Afternoon!

We started off our day playing and listening to music. It seems to get everyone is a good mood. The children are working on body movements as well as following directions. For example, we’ll sing a song or do a movement and then say stop. We’re getting good at listening to the directions and then following them. When one of the teachers sings or says a pattern, the children are getting good at repeating it or singing along with it.







After music was over, children chose to do a couple of different things. A few children chose to do the donut shop game in the living room while some chose to play with the kitchen utensils on the table. In the kitchen, children chose to come paint using apples, celery root, and different stamps. At first, the paint was in separate containers but they wanted to combine the paints to make different colors. After a little while with the apples and celery root, some chose to dive right in and use their fingers!







Once AM snack was over, most children chose to read books such as Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Dora! They do such a great job listening and even helping tell the story!





For AM snack, we enjoyed rice cakes with cream cheese. Miss Paulina made us a wonderful lunch including pita bread, ham, banana, and carrots with ranch.

Have a wonderful evening!

WWF, Let’s Look! 1-20-2012

Good Afternoon All!

We started off our day with hands on activities in the kitchen. Elizabeth, Ellie, Olivia, and Lea created apples using play-dough. We put a real apple on the table so that they could compare the apples that they made. Elizabeth loved singing a song while rolling the play-dough into a ball. After everyone was done with the play-dough, Chloe and Elizabeth wanted to help clean up so they both grabbed a broom to lend a hand! How thoughtful! 🙂 Some of the children gathered in the living room to listen to a special story called “Let’s Look!”. Elizabeth, Lea, Olivia, Ozzie, and Ellie loved looking at the pictures to find certain objects. It was the ‘I Spy’ book for toddlers! We looked at different food, travel, beaches, and farm. We all loved looking at the different colors of the objects.







Music time came next. Boy do we love Miss Paulina’s music! Olivia and Chloe loved helping her play the strings on her guitar. Drums, ribbons, shakers, and bean bags were used to enhance the guitar play. P.K. was smiling ear to ear the entire time. When the children were told to laugh out loud, Elizabeth let out such a loud laugh. You could tell she was having a blast! Clara loved playing with the ribbons and using her fingers to separate the different strands of colors.





While lunch was getting prepared, we took out the name cards and worked on recognizing names and faces along with the gender and age of each child. Sloane recognized each child and stated whether they were a boy or girl.

For AM snack, the children enjoyed rice cakes with cream cheese. Lunch consisted of apples, cucumbers, ham and bean soup, and hummus tortillas.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

WWF, Snow Play! 1-19-12

We started off the day by welcoming friends when they entered WWF. Everyone participated in music play using bean bags to make sounds. Many friends gathered in the kitchen for some hands on activities. Sloane, Lea, Max, and Elizabeth chose to play with snow in the sink. Since it was so colt and windy outside, we decided to bring the snow inside! The kids loved playing with it but soon realized it was very cold on their hands :). Animals were added to the snow for active play. P.K. and Chloe loved looking at the light table that was set up in the kitchen. Clara used her fine motor skills while sitting on the floor and manipulating different toys including measuring cups and animals.





Ozzie chose to build a train track. He had an exciting time trying to figure out how to connect all of the pieces together. P.K. watched intently as Ozzie did this and helped out when he could. Chloe asked for ‘Chicka Chicka Boom Boom’ to be read to her and motioned for ‘more’ when the story was done. Lea loved played dress up with different outfits. Her favorite was a gold sparkly dress that she just adored! Some of our friends sat on the floor to do a fire truck puzzle! Elizabeth loved trying to put the pieces together.






This afternoon we plan on working with our ABC’s using different sensorial objects including sand and water.

For AM snack, we enjoyed raisins, carrots, and crackers. Miss Tami made a lunch that was enjoyed by all! Our menu included tortilla with cream cheese as well as shredded cheese, mixed vegetables, and apples.

Have a great afternoon and evening!

WWF, Music, Music, Music! 1-18-12

Good Afternoon!

We’ve been having a great day at WWF! We started off the morning by having music time. The children definitely missed her music. We started off by listening to Miss Paulina play the guitar. The kids added in some musical touches by playing the musical shakers and drums. P.K. loved using the shakers to make music. Chloe kept asking for more. Then we got out streamers to play with while listening to music. Sloane and Lea made different motions with their streamers. They admired the different colors within the streamers. Ozzie had a great time listening and singing along to the different songs that were being played. A good time was had by all! 🙂









After music time ended, some children chose to go into the kitchen to play with the light table. P.K. and Ellie had a great time looking at the different colored objects that were on the light table. Sloane took it upon herself to take the colored pieces and make a line out of them. Lea and Sloane chose then to get the play-dough out and sculpt the play-dough into different ideas that they had. While others were in the kitchen, Clara and Aiden enjoyed reading stories in the living room. Others then joined in and listened to “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” at the request of Chloe. To finish up the morning while waiting for lunch to arrive Sloane, Lea, Ellie, and P.K. enjoyed water play at the sink. Soap was added to the water along with different animals for the children to play with. Their fine motor skills kicked into high gear!






For morning snack, we enjoyed carrots and rice cakes with cream cheese. For lunch, Miss Tami made us a wonderful lunch consisting of ham and bean soup, bananas, and biscuits.

Have a great evening!

WWF, Sand Play and Inside Type of Day! 1-17-12

Good Afternoon!

We started off our day by doing the donut shop game. P.K. was interested in choosing more than one donut. We all thought that was funny. We then moved to our name tags where Sloane and Ozzie were trying to determine if the child was a boy or girl. We put on some monkey music where Chloe danced around like a little monkey!

Chloe and Sloane showed initiative by going into the kitchen and wanting to color. Miss Marty helped them get started with some paper and crayons. They both drew wonderful creations. Miss Mindy talked to Ellie and Sloane about building train tracks. They both were very curious as to how to make train tracks and how they move. Miss Lisa had some children come play with her in the kitchen. Sloane, Chloe, Ellie, and Ozzie explored with sand using different utensils and tools. Ellie had a great time looking at the sand and playing with it in her hands. Clara and Aiden had a great time playing on the floor looking at books and observing different kitchen material. Since it’s cold and nasty outside, we decided to stay inside and enjoy each others company. Things are slowly but surely getting back to normal here at WWF. We’re hoping that by the end of the week, all of us will be healed and back to normal! 🙂

For snack this morning, we enjoyed rice cakes with cream cheese. Miss Tami made us a wonderful lunch including bread, ham, pears, and sweet peas.

We apologize for the lack of pictures today. We’re having difficulties with our camera but expect extra pictures tomorrow! 🙂

Have a great night!

WWF, Celery, cream cheese, raisins, and the perfect coconut tree! 1-16-12

Attendance is down at WWF today. A few new cases of the “Hand, Foot, Mouth” Virus.

Ozzie, Sloane, Jada, and Eleanor all played our donut shop game this morning. Ozzie and Eleanor are really into our name cards and telling us the gender of each child. We are now asking each child how old they are, and Eleanor responded with, “Two and a half!”



Miss Lisa cleaned some celery stalks and the children and filled them with cream cheese. We placed them on a plate and the children surrounded them with abc crackers. Raisins were added as the “coconuts.” The children tasted the celery as well as feeling the texture of it.



Miss Lisa and Mindy ventured outside with some of the older children, snow pants and all! Ellie made a beautiful snow angel. With the sun shining, and warmer temperature, it was nice to get some fresh air.

For lunch this afternoon we had noodles with tuna, corn, and bananas.

Sending well wishes to all of our friends who are home today~

Enjoy the day!

WWF, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and celery coconut trees! 1-12-12

Inclement Weather/ Emergency Closing Policy

Wee Friends will delay opening until 10:00 on any day that Mishawaka OR South Bend Schools are closed or delayed for weather. You will be notified by email by 9:00 if we choose to close for the entire day.




Please note that we have one possible case of strep throat, however, we are waiting on a thorough “positive” from the doctor. Also, we have one confirmed case of the “Hand, Foot, Mouth Virus.” Symptoms of this include a rash or blistering on the above areas.

The children had a great morning. Our message board with the children’s names and identifying the first letter of their name has drawn a big interest. The children are also enjoying tracing the letters with their fingers on the board at the end of our “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” book. After reading the book and singing our ABC’s, some of the children enjoyed picking out felt letters from our box, reciting the letter, and placing it on the felt board. Ozzie, Lea, Marta and Olivia did a fabulous job with this. Others opted to paint or do water play in the kitchen. Since Ozzie turned two yesterday, he has really ventured out with his adventuro The children enjoyed dancing to a WWF favorite, “BINGO” and “We’re walking through the jungle.”



This afternoon we will create coconut trees out of celery stalks. We will discuss the texture of it, evaluate if the stalks are long or short, taste test it, and display some ABC crackers around it to create own individual trees.

For breakfast this morning we had bagels and fresh fruit. Chef Marty created some wonderful grilled cheese sandwiches today. Mmmmm….they were delicious! We also had avacado and apples.


WWF, Does your name begin with A, B or C? Lets take a look at our coconut tree!

Good Afternoon!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather since it looks like it will be short lived! Today we started our day working with letters. We talked about the letters in each of our names. While reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, we looked for the first letter in everyones name We added these letters to our message board. Some chose to join Miss Lisa in the kitchen to work with letters and sand. Ozzie, Lea, Olivia, and Sloane had a great time picking out certain letters from the sand.

Miss Mindy and Miss Lisa took most of the kids outside for some fresh air. Clara had a great time walking around with Miss Mindy. Sloane, Lea, Ozzie, Olivia, Ellie, and Chloe sang along with Miss Lisa while they were rocking on the swing. While everyone was outside, Aiden enjoyed time with Miss Marty while sitting in his megasaucer.

After we all got refreshed from our naps, we celebrated Ozzie’s birthday! His father, mother, and grandmother joined us! They brought us delicisous homemade muffins. We loved them! Happy 2nd birthday Ozzie!

For lunch, Miss Tami cooked us brown rice with chicken, apples and pineapples, and snow peas. P.K. loved the brown rice. He kept asking for more :).

Here are a few pictures to capture our day!