WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 5.3.11


Good afternoon!

It is time for traditional songs and rhymes at WWF. The children have enjoyed “Ring Around the Rosie” so much that we have decided to start adding more traditional sings to our repertoire. Rounds and silly dances seem to be of special interest right now. Today we had music out on the bridge area, where we were able to sing songs sitting at the steps and dance around in the wooded floor area.

Today we added these songs:

The Hokey Pokey

Sally Go ‘Round the Sun

-Here Comes a Blue Bird

Outside time today was spent playing with the new toys under the log cabin. Cups, plates, pots, cooking utensils, chairs and a little table were added sparking a whole new way of playing under the cabin. Pit gravel was poured and transferred several times into all the different containers, children took turns sitting at the table and serving food for each other. This kind of play ties in so nicely with our birthday and picnic themes!

For lunch today we had scrambled eggs with cheese, carrots, mandarin oranges and whole-wheat toast with butter. I am happy to report that the menu for today was a total success!

Marty read “Mrs. McNosh and the Great Big Squash” by Sarah Weeks. A funny story about a squash that grows so big, that Mrs. McNosh can fit inside and take her nap. They also read “The Runaway Bunny” by Margaret Wise Brown, another classic!

We are brainstorming ideas to make our good-bye time a little calmer. Starting today we will be reading a series of 3 music books on cd beginning at 4:45 every day. We would like to ask that if you are coming to pick up your child during that time, please try to come in quietly and either sit down with us to read the books or quietly take your child aside to get ready for good bye without disrupting the activity. If you need to talk to a teacher please make sure to do this far away from the reading area so that the children are not interrupted.

Have a wonderful rest of the day,

Paulina, Amy and Marty.

2 thoughts on “WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 5.3.11

  1. Great idea to use the bridge as an activity space- how clever. Now it’s the “Friendship Bridge” 😉

    Look forward to hearing the new songs to add to our old favorites (e.g. Alabama Mississippi …).

    thanks for the great posts each day!

  2. Yes! Thank you Paulina for posting the links to the song lyrics. What a wonderful resource you are creating for the WWF parents

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