WF Daily Explorations, Monday 9.19.11

Good Afternoon!

Our Wee friends began their week with Ms. Jennifer at the Gymnastics Bus, they were all very excited for her to come back and get their bodies moving!

MG 8775 While the older children waited for their turn to go on the bus a group of girls built together a house for the ponies that had several ramps for them to jump off and bridges that connected the house to the shelves around it.











Umi and Nate have become good working partners, they are able to focus and peacefully accomplish major tasks. This morning they worked diligently on putting several puzzles together.

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At the time of transitioning into the bus the group of older children gathered next to the door and sung songs until it was time to go.

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Together we read “Blue Hat, Green Hat” by Sandra Boynton in Spanish. We talked about how to say some basic clothing items and their colors in Spanish. After reading we moved to the table to design and cut clothes. Kai decided put his pieces together and make them into a paper doll, to this, we added labels to help ourselves remember the new words.

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Today some friends helped Melinda prepare lunch washing, peeling, coring and slicing apples.

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Melinda prepared a delicious lunch today. Noodles with chicken, accompanied by corn and apples. Our dear teacher Laurie is out sick today, we ALL miss her and hope she recovers promptly.

Have a wonderful week everybody!