WF, 3/28/2018

Good Afternoon!

**Tomorrow is PAJAMA day!

**We want to apologize for the inconsistency of the blog. We’re in the process of moving it to another server as the one we currently have is causing a few issues. We love communicating to you about your child’s day so we really appreciate your understanding until we can get it resolved!

In pre-k/k group, we used our fingers to solve math problems. We discussed the addition or plus sign as well as the equal sign and what they mean in an equation. Children identified the first number and held that many fingers up. Together, we figured out how many more fingers we needed until we got to 10! Friends did a great job working together and helping one another out.

K.CA.4: Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any number from 1 to 9. 


Ruby and Franklin complete a journal this morning. Ruby started by drawing a straight line and Franklin immediately asked, “Ruby! Are you writing an F for Franklin?”. Ruby smiled and said, “Yes, I am!”.


A group of us sanitized and cleaned our toys this morning! We talked about being a responsible member of a community and how making sure our toys stay clean and well taken care of is a big part of that.

We also talked about germs. A child said, “It still has a little scratch on it. I can’t get the germs off!”. This lead into a discussion about how we can’t see germs so that’s why it’s important to wash our hands and make sure we’re making safe, healthy choices! Lucy commented, “I bet these animals are super happy to be getting a bath this morning!” Smile.




Breakfast– Whole wheat oatmeal with honey and PPC strawberries.

Lunch– Scrambled eggs with shredded cheese, whole wheat bread, PPC banana/fresh apples, and PPC cherry tomatoes/fresh carrots.

PM snack– Hummus and blue corn chips.

Wee Sprout– PPC cherry tomatoes/fresh carrots.

Have a lovely night!


Link to pictures: WF 3/28