WWF 03/28/2018

Good afternoon.

Today was an exciting day for our Wee Wee Friends because we were able to go outside!!! Ohhh, the smiles teachers see when we tell the kids we are heading out. There is nothing better than seeing those bright smiles and the sheer happiness radiating from our friends.

While we were outside playing a couple of our friends found their sibling and had a great time joining them in their play. We are very grateful to have two sites so close to one another so our siblings can see one another at some point during their day. 



We absolutely love to see our older friends interact with our younger friends in the classroom. Mack has taken Daniel under his wing lately and they have been inseparable. The relationships that are formed while at Wee Wee Friends is nothing short of AWESOME!!! As teachers, we work hard on teaching our older friends to help out the younger ones and show them the ropes! We have great leaders in the making!! 


Breakfast: Whole Grain Cheerios and Apples.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with cheese, whole wheat buttered toast, carrots, and oranges.

Snack: Whole wheat Ritz crackers with no nut butter and oranges.

Wee Sprouts: Carrots.

Have a fantastic evening.


LINK TO PICTURES:  https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuli_0GwPA7bloiBQvS4g