Happy Monday!
Hope everyone had a terrific holiday weekend.
In pre-k/k group this afternoon, we read, ‘My Brave Year of Firsts’. After we finished the story, I posed the question, “Who did the author write this book for?”. With resounding confidence, one of our kindergarteners shouted, “Us!”. We talked about the books that we read at Wee Friends and how they differ from books that our older siblings read or even the books that our parents read. A few children commented on how the library sorts books into sections for different people. Towards the end of our conversation, friends shared different books that their sibling is reading or books that they’ve seen their parents read.
K.W.1: Write for specific purposes and audiences.
Every morning, our two kindergarteners sign in a their special kindergarten sign in binders. This morning, they sat at the island and signed in together. Using colored counters, they found the answer to five different addition problems.
K.CA.1-2: Solve real world problems, objects, or drawings that involve addition and subtraction within 10. Demonstrate the equation (e.g., 5= 3 + 2 and 5= 4 + 1).
Most of our pre-k/k group friends are showing interest in writing out their journal descriptions. Our older friends are using kid spelling (identifying consonants and vowels) and will ask for teacher help if needed but our younger friends are focusing on writing the letters that they know (letter identification). Anna wrote her journal description by herself for the first time today. She drew ‘grandma grandpa’ so together, we looked for the letters to use to write those two words.
There are varying levels of ‘writing readiness’ so our older friends tend to help out their younger peers. The multi-age system during this important time is key to helping our older friends take the reigns and set the example for their younger classmates.
K.RF.4.3: Recognize long and short sounds for the five major vowels. (Only for children who are ready for this)
Breakfast– Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and PPC banana.
Lunch– Whole wheat pasta with butter and shredded pork, PPC mango/pears/banana, and PPC cherry tomatoes/cucumber.
PM snack– Whole milk yogurt with granola.
Wee Sprout– PPC snap peas/cucumber.
Have a great evening!
Link to pictures: WF 4/2