WWF 11/14/2018

Happy Wednesday!

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.” ~Pinterest.com

Today was a fantastic day for other adults to read to our little Wee Wee’s. Not only did we have a parent reading stories, but we had a teacher from the Wee classroom read to a few of our friends as well.  We LOVE to read and it’s always a treat to us when we get different people to read also. Smile Thank you Ben (Jack’s dad) and Miss Mindy!!


Coloring in our journal binders was another activity we engaged ourselves in today. We showed great attention span while coloring many pictures, we utilized our fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination skills, and the recognition of  our colors.



Breakfast: Whole grain Chex cereal and banana.

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with cheese, whole wheat toast with butter, peas, and mandarin oranges.

Snack: Whole wheat crackers with peanut butter.

Wee Sprouts: Carrots.

Have a nice night.


LINK TO PICTURES: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuljYptYZK8Xl2sytLR5A