WWF 11/30/2118

Good Afternoon and happy last day of November!

“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.” ~Maria Montessori 

Jack was engaged nicely building with multiple cars to link them together… “like a train.” He used his imagination to act out loading and unloading animals and a fireman doll onto the farm house and fire station activities. Along with utilizing his imagination skills, he displayed great fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills use by linking the cars together. 


Breakfast: Whole wheat toast with butter and cinnamon, and banana.

Lunch: Whole grain tortillas with shredded mozzarella cheese, peas, and pears.

Snack: Whole grain cheese crackers, and mozzarella cheese.

Wee Sprouts: Corn.

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the warm-up.


LINK TO PICTURES:  https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtTCDmdhjIuljZJ4sPOAaFjJpUqrjw